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[PRS] Early & Scorpius

Forum > Quidditchplanen > Rollspel > [PRS] Early & Scorpius

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Name: Everan of Asshai

Age: 20

Bakgrund: Everan is son to the shadowbinder and red priestess known as Melisandre, who died when Everan was quite young. Everan himself isn’t a priest of the Lord of Light, but has over the years built an interest as he has started to show certain qualities that his mother also carried. His father is unknown to him. He’s a traveler who usually doesn’t stay in one place for long, since that’s how he prefers to live.

Utseende: Everan is very similar to his mother when it comes to looks. He’s slender and graceful, and quite tall. He got high cheekbones and a sharp jawline, and has quite full lips for a man. His skin is pale with quite a lot of birthmarks all over his body, and some small on his face. His hair is originally the color of burnished copper just like his mother, but it’s currently dyed dark brown.

28 feb, 2020 21:00

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2020-03-15 kl. 21:37
Antal ändringar: 3



Name: Daemon Targaryen
Age: 17
Height: 178 cm
Appearance: Silverblonde hair that reaches his shoulders, usually keeps it down. Dark grey eyes with a purple hint in them and fair skin, a shade or two darker than his mothers but it doesn't dear the Dornish coloring that his father has.
Personality: Arrogant and calculating.
Other: He's the third son (but fourth child) of King Aegon and Queen Sansa, that place in the family has given him time to pursue other things other than the tedious princely duties that the eldest son must. Daemon spends most of his free time riding or sparring, having little cares in the world besides for certain duties.

(Tänkte bara lägga in detta ^^)

Sanctimonia Vincet Semper - Purity Always Conquers

4 mar, 2020 19:20

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