Frozen (ENG)
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Titel: Frozen guardians
Språk: Engelska Författare:Souso Antal kapitel: Fyra Färdigskriven: Nej Handling: Den handlar om Elsa från Disney's Frozen och Jack Frost från Dreamwork's Rise of the guardians. Jag kommer att hoppa mellan de bådas perspektiv (POV) men skriver innan om jag ska byta mellan dem. Jag kommer att skriva på engelska. Ja, jag äger inte karaktärerna eller något sådant. Hoppas ni kommer att gilla det och kommentera gärna! Okej, här kommer första kapitlet. Förlåt ifall det är massa engelska fel hehe. Det börjar med Elsas perspektiv och det är under samma tid som filmen (frozen) utspelar sig. Hoppas ni gillar det!! Chapter 1 Elsa’s POV Elsa sat down on the balcony of her ice palace, watching the moon. That was the thing she did instead of sleeping on the nights, studying the moon: if it was full or half: how fast it seemed to move: how much it glowed. She tried to think of anything that didn’t connect to herself and her family and how she was doomed for ever and ever, how everybody hated her and thought her a monster. A monster with no feelings and with the urge to destroy. How could anyone mistake Elsa for being a monster and wanting to destroy things? Everyone who truly knew her would know how fragile she really was. But, nobody truly knew. Not even Anna. Elsa had lived her life alone, with just that little company she had had access to: her father. Now she had no one to rely on, no one to trust, no one to spend time with. Not now that her father, the one who had known her the best, and her mother was dead. It had gone three years since they died and she still couldn't go to bed without their ghosts in her mind. Before, she always told herself that she would always have her dad. If anything went wrong, her dad would be there to fix it, but he was not there anymore. He can't fix the problems that’s been made, he can’t save her and she couldn’t save herself. Especially not when she knew that everyone hated her, even Anna probably hated her. After all the lies and the pushing away. Now she knew how it was to be lonely for real, she’d just been alone before and now she was lonely. It was a big difference. To be alone is a choice and often a privilege, to be lonely is not a choice and it’s definitely not a privilege. How fast everything can go wrong, she thought. At the festivity, everything had seemed fine. It had looked like she would make it through without any trouble. Until Anna had ruined everything. She really didn't want to blame Anna and she tried hard to push the thought away, but it always creeped upon her, it was always there. Every time Anna came to her thought, she always felt a pang of sadness. A sadness similar to the one she’s feeling when she thinks of her parents. Even though Anna wasn’t dead, Elsa couldn’t help but feel that she’d lost her for good. Elsa had a lot of things to think about, to solve and figure out and to fix, but still she just sat and watched the moon. To watch the moon is something that she’d done ever since she was a small child. Without any friends and people to talk to she might have gone insane if it wasn't for the moon. In a strange way she found a friend in the moon. She talked to it, opened her heart and revealed it, showed it her weaknesses. Though it never answered she always felt a bit lighter in her heart. It was a dark night, the moon barely visible and it was freezing outside. Elsa didn’t mind, the cold never bothered her anyway, but she didn’t want to sit outside when the moon wasn’t on view. It felt pointless. Now more than ever, without the moon and the ice-made castle all by herself, she felt lonely. More lonely than she’d ever felt. She couldn't go back home to the castle and Anna and their kingdom. Technically, her kingdom. The coronation was completed and she was a queen. The queen of Arendelle. Being a queen is nothing she wanted to be, she never wanted to be a queen or a princess, never dreamed of being saved by a handsome prince and his stallion. Okay, maybe once or twice, but it wasn’t something she had in mind every minute of the day, not even every hour of the day. She went from having a kingdom to having nothing except her stupid and useless ice powers. Sometimes the powers actually were practical and good to have, but most of the time she didn’t want them. Normal, that was what she wanted to be. Just like everybody else. Just one in a billion. Nothing special. But in this world you can’t choose how you’re going to look, what your talents are going to be, how your family will be. It’s not up to us to decide how our life’s are going to be. What we can do is to make the best of the situation and that is exactly what Elsa was going to do. She was going to accept herself and her powers and learn to live with them and even more important: she was going to learn to like them. In early morning Elsa was still awake and hadn’t slept all night, but she still wasn’t tired. Eventually she’d probably just fall unconscious because of the lack of sleep, but that was a problem for later. Now she was going to do something a bit more important than sleep. She was going to train her powers, get used to them. The ice palace was the first wonderful thing she’d done with her powers and made her think that she could make a lot more like it, more beautiful things, and use the powers for good and not for bad. Since the accident with Anna Elsa hade been afraid, not just of her powers, but of herself. She had thought that she was an object of evil and that deep down she wanted to hurt Anna and she couldn’t understand what was wrong with her. Now she understands that it wasn’t like that, that you can make choices and she made a choice long ago. She wasn’t going to use her powers to destroy, but for other things, good things. Det var då första kapitlet. Vad tyckte ni? Ge mig gärna lite tips på hur jag ska förbättra mig o.s.v. Nån som vill fortsätta läsa? Chapter: 2 Spoiler: Tryck här för att visa! 3 Spoiler: Tryck här för att visa! 4 Spoiler: Tryck här för att visa! 30 aug, 2014 15:11
Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2014-10-18 kl. 17:59
Elev |
Asså shiiit, seriöst! Jag har nog nästan aldrig läst en sån här bra fanfic!!! :'D Jag totalt super älskar den! ♥ Läs min ff: 6 sep, 2014 16:44 |
Skrivet av fandomheart: *bevakar* Asså shiiit, seriöst! Jag har nog nästan aldrig läst en sån här bra fanfic!!! :'D Jag totalt super älskar den! ♥ Naaaw! Tack så jättemycket!! 6 sep, 2014 22:09 |
Caty Delacour
Elev |
16 sep, 2014 16:52 |
*Bevakar skeptiskt och beslutar sig för att inte döma någonting förrän kapitel 2*
Inte för att den inte var bra, jag är bara inte äker på om jag shippar Jelsa riktigt... 17 sep, 2014 18:00 |
Skrivet av Borttagen: *Bevakar skeptiskt och beslutar sig för att inte döma någonting förrän kapitel 2* Inte för att den inte var bra, jag är bara inte äker på om jag shippar Jelsa riktigt... Haha vem sa något om att shippa jelsa...? 17 sep, 2014 19:45 |
Skrivet av Borttagen: Skrivet av Borttagen: *Bevakar skeptiskt och beslutar sig för att inte döma någonting förrän kapitel 2* Inte för att den inte var bra, jag är bara inte äker på om jag shippar Jelsa riktigt... Haha vem sa något om att shippa jelsa...? Bara jag, jag kan inte läsa något med två huvudkaraktärer utan att läsa varje mening som något romantiskt. Typ, om det fanns en berättelse om Sven och Lisa (ja, jätte orginella namn, tackar) och det stod: "Lisa åt en hamburgare, när Sven kom fram och sa hejsan" Skulle min första tanke vara: Hmm, Sven är lite kär i Lisa tror jag. Om sen Lisa svarade: "Skit ner dig, din äckliga skithög" Skulle min första tanke vara: Kärlek börjar alltid med bråk... Det här verkar väldigt romantiskt... För mitt huvud är skumt 17 sep, 2014 21:07 |
Elev |
"If you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed." 20 sep, 2014 22:31 |
Jag håller på med kapitlet nu, så förhoppningsvis innan helgen är slut! Hahah ändrade planer. Nytt kapitel nu! Okej, så det här kapitlet har jag skrivit om miljontals gånger, nästan bokstavligt talat heh, för att jag blev aldrig nöjd med det. Jag hoppas verkligen att ni kommer gilla det slutgiltiga resultatet av kapitlet! Enjoy the reading! Chapter 2 Jack Frost’s POV The night was cold and the moon full and glowing. Jack was wandering an almost empty street with a mind full of thoughts. In front of him was a group of men staggering, bumping into each other, talking very unclear and slowly. In front of them was a girl, walking quite fast, slipping now and then on her too big shoes, not more than twelve, thirteen years old. When they all had walked for a little while Jack understood what the intentions of the men were and they were not good. Not good at all, Jack thought. Every time the girl took a turn, they took a turn. When she walked faster, they walked faster, but in a more drunk way, which was probably what they were. Drunk. You could notice in the way their eyes glittered, how their smiles stayed for too long and of course in the way they talked and walked. With the help of the wind Jack flew up to the top of a building and ran so that he got in front of the group. He jumped from building to building, picking up his speed when one from the group, probably the least drunk of them because he seemed the most steady on his feet, had started to run. The frightened girl had also started to run, but she was slow with her oversized shoes and short legs. In her scared state she accidentally ran into an ally, a dead end. When she saw no escape she sunk down on the ground, her dress getting dark with moist, her body trembling. Before the man got closer Jack was there, unseen, protecting the girl. He gathered his strength and built a wall of ice between the man and himself. The drunk group had now come together and they all watched as the wall grew with stupid faces, mouths hanging open. Soon they weren’t visible anymore behind the ice and it got quiet, even though they banged on it with their fists. The girl had stilled and swallowed the last of her sobs. Silently, not sure of what had caused the sudden silence, she lifted her head, the face behind a curtain of brown hair. She stared directly at Jack, as if she could see him and in that moment his heart froze. Could she see him? Could she really see him? And then she moved her gaze in confusion. No, she couldn’t see him. Jack’s heart started to beat again, slowly and disappointingly. Of course she can’t see me. What did I expect? He thought. Stupid. Tentatively she rose, brushing away her hair with dirty fingers. On shaking legs she went forward to the ice wall, forward to Jack, but he didn’t move. She walked right through him, he had known it would happen, but it still hurt like a knife through the heart. As she touched the ice her face formed a frown, she was mesmerized and couldn’t comprehend anything of what had happened, she couldn’t see or understand the logic. Maybe because there was no logic when it came to Jack Frost and his powers. Okej, hoppas ni gillar kapitlet! Om inte, säg gärna varför och ge mig även kritik m.m. No hard feelings, I promise! 25 sep, 2014 14:35 |
Elev |
25 sep, 2014 18:08 |
Du får inte svara på den här tråden.