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You Don't Remember? That's Good

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Titel: You Don't Remember? That's Good
Språk: Engelska
Typ av text: Fanfiction
Färdigskriven: Nej
Rating: PG (?)
Beskrivning: Olive is Oz' twin sister, who has lived in Abyss her whole life, therefore neither of them knows that they have a twin sibling. Olive has seen him in her dreams/nightmares though, while Oz doesn't have a clue about who she is. So what will happen when they finally meet each other?

Detta är alltså en Pandora Hearts Fanfic. :3

Lite info om huvudpersonen:


Name: Olive Bezarius (Oz Bezarius' twin sister)

Current age: 15

Birthday: December 26th

Height: 158 cm

Other facts: Oz doesn't know that he has a twin sister, as he has never really met her, except for when they were born. While on the other side, Olive knows all about him, because she has seen him in her dreams many times, mostly in nightmares, which makes her kind of dislike him. Well, she doesn't know that he's her twin brother either, but other than that she knows perfectly who he is. The only thing that's keeping them apart is the border between the real world, where Oz lives, and Abyss, which Olive was thrown into directly after she was born.

Olive consideres Abyss her home, since she has never lived anywhere else. But due to living her whole life in Abyss, she may seem crazy in other people's eyes, while that's just how she has grown up, not knowing any other way to live and act like. Usually the people who are sent to Abyss doesn't age, but that hasn't prevented her from growing both physically and mentally, and no one understands why.

A few days after she was sent into Abyss, while she was still a tiny baby, the Cheshire Cat found her. After that he became like an older brother to her and he has been taking care of her, and allowing her to visit his home whenever she likes.
At the age of five, Olive herself became a chain. She still looks like a human though, but in fights(or when she wants to change appearance) she changes into a big white rabbit, similar to the B-Rabbit. She is called the W-rabbit(the white rabbit). The fact that she doesn't look like a chain in her human form makes it very easy for her to trick others. Ever since she became a chain, she has been completely obsessed with white rabbits. That's why ''her'' territory in Abyss is filled with them.


Chapter One: The strange boy


''Cheshire! I know you're here!'' I yelled while running around in his home looking for him, ''There's no need to hide, it's just me!''
Ugh, where can he be? I've already checked his usual hiding places. Why is he hiding? I stopped and looked around in the room that I was in right now. I looked down at the checkered floor and noticed a doll laying there. I picked it up, but it just played dead, so I started to shake it.

''Who do you think you are, shaking meeee?!'' it finally said.

''Where's Cheshire?''

''How should IIIIII know?'' it said in a crazy voice, stretching out the 'I' like it did with the 'me' before. I sighed and threw it on the floor. I guess it's no use asking the dolls, they're all just crazy and if they actually would tell me anything they'd probably be lying.

''Cheshire!!'' I yelled one more time but I suddenly felt really dizzy and fell down to the ground, while hearing a peaceful melody.

My body started to shake and my head started to hurt awfully. I tried to scream but the sound didn't come out of my mouth.


I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I looked around and after a while I noticed a handsome black-haired guy, staring at me. I looked at him confused and stared right into his golden eyes.

''Who are you?'' I asked him.

''I am no one.''

''Stop joking with me, who are you?'' I said and stood up.

''Just protect him when he arrives, okay?''

''Protect who? And I'm not taking any orders from some stranger!'' I said and he just remained silent and continued to stare at me. What's wrong with him? What's his problem?

I started to walk towards him, but the more I tried to get closer to him, the further away he ended up, so I eventually stopped. I stood there for a while, just staring back at him, until I felt the awful pain in my head again, which continued through my body. I started to scream in pain and heard the melody again. But the melody wasn't the only thing that I heard, I also heard hysterical laughter. It sounded like it was a big crowd who were laughing at me, but there is no one here other than me and that guy, but he wasn't one of those who was laughing. He had a blank expression on his face and just stared at me, like he had done for the past minutes.

I thought that this would never end, until I felt someone shaking me and the boy started to fade away.


''Olive? Olive?!'' I heard someone repeat over and over.

''What?!'' I snapped and opened my eyes, and saw that Cheshire was the one shaking me.

''Oh thank god, I was so worried!'' he said and hugged me.

''Uh.. Why?'' I asked him confused.

''What do you mean 'why?', your body has been shaking for the past hours! There was no way I could contact you, no matter how hard I tried!'' he said and I sat up after he was done hugging me.

''It's okay now, I'm okay.'' I said and wiped away a tear from his cheek.

''It happened again, didn't it? Those nightmares?'' he said and sobbed.

''No..'' I shook my head, ''Well, kind of. But it was different this time. It wasn't like the same dream that I've had before, now it was a black haired guy instead of blonde, who was staring at me, barely saying anything when I spoke to him. I don't understand what he wanted from me.. But I've got a bad feeling about this.'' I said and looked into Cheshire's eyes. He looked concerned.


Vad tycker ni? Ska jag fortsätta? :3

Vet dock inte hur svårt/lätt det är att förstå storyn och en del annat, för dem som inte har sett/läst Pandora Hearts..
Men om ni vill läsa denna ff ändå och inte förstår något så är det bara att googla, eller fråga mig! Jag försöker mer än gärna svara! c:

11 nov, 2012 18:56

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