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If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)

Forum > Fanfiction > Andra fandoms > If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)

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AWESOME kapitel längtar till nästa♥♥

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fencrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com%2Fimages%3Fq%3Dtbn%3AANd9GcTWjlLJasjBhJ5ZcJEgQwKjRRBcYj0JIPtPDVyOLLHrtj3pubP1dA Läs Järna min ff Mån barnet http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=35314&page=5#p2336622

14 dec, 2013 18:09



Oj vad braO_o
Tänker definitift bevaka den här.c:

*blink* Heeej...Jag antar att jag borde skriva nått här men tyvärr äger jag ingen fantasi. Så att'e...

14 dec, 2013 18:27



Lida Taaack♥

chokladgrodan Tack! Vad glad jag blir!♥

"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

14 dec, 2013 19:23



Skrivet av Mixy:
“But what if she’s really mad? She might even break up with me!”
Harry look at me with a confused face.
“Niall, she can’t break up with you. You’ve never dated”.

Sooo cute Naill ♥ he's worring to much, or is he?
Love u, and please please please give me more… NOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!

15 dec, 2013 00:41



BarnOwl98 Haha yep, he is!
Thank you, I love you too! I'll post soon....♥

"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

15 dec, 2013 10:06



Just love everything, keep going girl!! Namy ftw ♥


15 dec, 2013 18:16



Ledsen för att ni fick vänta så länge, men jag har varit väldigt upptagen med en julshow som min skola håller i, så jag har inte hunnit posta något!

Chapter 8 part 2

My heart is beating very fast, and after a minute, she comes. She quietly tip-toes from her room and closes the door, careful not to wake Lisa up.
“Hi” she says, and smiles at me.
“Hello there” I say, but I don’t smile back.
She has been so mad at me. Is she just going to ignore that?
She’s standing there, watching me look at her. We don’t say anything in a long time.
“So…” Amy starts. “The last couple of days have been a little weird”.
I nod. “I know, but understand that you don’t want to go out, its okay”, I lie to her.
She looks at me with sad eyes.
“It’s just that, my last boyfriend took things too fast, and it ended with heartbreak. I don’t want to do that mistake again”
I look down at my feet, then up to Amy again.
“If a promise to take it slow, and not break your heart then?” I say, and I feel hope returning to my body.
Amy is standing there, thinking for a second.
“Can we start with just being friends?”
I nod quietly and smile at her. She returns it.
Right when I feel that I can breathe again, I hear a quiet laugh from behind me.
Amy’s face goes pale for a second, and then she is the fire itself when she sees who it is.
“Dani! Lauren! Go away!” She yells at them.

Laurens p.o.v.... (A few minutes before)

I wake up, and when I open my eyes a see that Dani is awake too. She is lying in her bed, on her phone.
“Good morning”, I say, still tired.
“Hey” she answers, not looking up from her phone.
I sigh, take up my phone and go on twitter. For a few minutes I surf around twitter, when I see that Amy is online.
Just then I hear Dani gasp and giving away a quiet high-pitched scream.
“Look at Amy’s last tweet!” she say, running up to my bed and sitting down next to me. I do what I was told and see that she had tweeted Niall a few minutes ago.
Dani and I suddenly go very quiet, because we hear one of the doors opening.
Without hesitating we run up to our door and peaks out to the corridor.
Niall walks out, in jeans and a grey t-shirt. We hear Harry’s voice from their room.
“Good luck”.
Niall give him a weak smile.
“Thanks”, he says and close the door.
Then he is standing there in the corridor, waiting. A few minutes later Amy comes out of her room. I’m quite sure that Amy doesn’t hear it, but Niall gasp when he sees her.
I turn to Dani with raised eyebrows, and she almost can’t hold herself from laughing.

We only see Niall’s back, but by the way his shoulders almost is up with his ears, he is very nervous. Amy’s face is sad, not the happy face we saw at the airport or the angry face we saw at the dinner last night. She is almost never sad, but when she is, she is really broken.

“Dani! Lauren! Go away!”
Oh crap.
Dani runs into the room as fast as she can, but before I can do the same, I meet Niall’s gaze. I mouth “sorry” to him, and give him a little thumb up before I go inside and lock the door after me.


"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

18 dec, 2013 10:11



OOO…. clifhanger!!!!! MOOOOORREEEEE

18 dec, 2013 12:10



Oh just love it KEEP GOING GIRL ♥


18 dec, 2013 16:09



AWESOME Love it ♥♥

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fencrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com%2Fimages%3Fq%3Dtbn%3AANd9GcTWjlLJasjBhJ5ZcJEgQwKjRRBcYj0JIPtPDVyOLLHrtj3pubP1dA Läs Järna min ff Mån barnet http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=35314&page=5#p2336622

18 dec, 2013 16:59

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