If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)
Forum > Fanfiction > Andra fandoms > If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)
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14 apr, 2014 20:21 |
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Jag har ett förslag...
Nu är det ju två kapitel+ en epilog kvar, och jag funderar på om jag ska posta de två kapitlerna sammtidigt på fre/lör och sedan epilogen på måndag! Vad tycker ni? Kommentera!! "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 15 apr, 2014 19:06 |
Fairy Tale
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15 apr, 2014 20:18 |
Ariana Potter
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16 apr, 2014 07:01 |
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16 apr, 2014 21:37 |
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Okej, nu är det faktiskt fredag.
Är ni lite nervösa? För jag är lite nervös. Tack till alla som har läst och framförallt kommenterat på den här berättelsen! Jag vet att det är svårare att få läsare om jag postar om One Direction på en HP-sida, och särskilt om jag skriver om både One Direction och Cimorelli, som inte så många vet om haha. Men tack, för det här är den längsta berättelsen jag någonsin har skrivit (138 A4!) plus den är på engelska, och jag är ganska stolt över den faktiskt! Men nu ska jag inte uppehålla er mer, nu kan ni fortsätta läsa. ![]() Chapter 53 (jag gråter nu för fan) Niall’s POV Katherine drags Zayn out from the room, and leaves me and Amy alone in the kitchen with a very awkward silence in the air. “And then they gone”, I joke, but it doesn’t even flinch a bit in Amy’s lips. Ouch. I take a deep breath and run my fingers through my hair to calm down. “Amy?” She looks up from her hands and meets my gaze for a second. “Yeah?” I hesitate for a moment. “Has anyone told you anything about me?” She blinks, and looks down in her lap. “Uh, yeah. Lauren told me some things”. I look at her, urging her to go on, and she bites her lips lightly. “Uh, she told me you were in a band with your four best friends, and that we were on a tour with you guys.” She goes quiet for a second, before taking a deep breath and continuing. “She told me that… um… that we fell in love and that we’d been a couple for over four months”. I nod. “She got everything right”. Amy nods too. “But she didn’t tell me about you”, She then adds thoughtfully, an almost invisible smirk tugging at her lips. I smile a little. “I’m not that interesting, actually”. She raises her eyebrow teasingly. “Really, now?” I nod my head. “I promise. You are pretty fascinating, though”. She looks at me, her smile fading. “You say?” “Yup”, I smile a genuine smile at her, and take a deep breath. “I know you quite well”, I say quietly, almost like a whisper. Amy looks at me, alarmed. “And?” She asks. I reach over the table and take her hand in mine. Her eyes lands on our connected fingers, but she doesn’t say anything, nor does she pull away. “I know you”, I repeat. “I know that you love country-music. You always brush your hair and put it up in a bun before bed, so it won’t get frizzy. You love your family more than anything, and you would protect your siblings with your life. Your favourite movie is Titanic, and you always cry when you watch it. You are a guilty-pleasure-Beliber, and your favourite song by him is Pray. Sometimes you can play the guitar for hours and disconnect the whole world; you just keep playing until you are pleased”. Amy’s eyes are closely shut, and she’s taking short, shaky and superficial breaths. “Niall”, she whispers, but I ignore her and continue. “You don’t eat tomatoes on sandwiches, but you always have cheese on. Your favourite season is the summer, because your birthday is then. And lastly, you love me with your whole heart and accept me for who I am, no matter how flawed I am”. Amy opens her eyes and shakes her head. “Niall…” she whispers again. “I know that that part of you that loves me still is in there somewhere”, I whisper to her. I take my hand and place is on her chest, were her heart is. I feel her breaths deepens when I touch her, and a little smile is almost tugging at my lips when I realise that she still gets nervous around me, even after all this shit we’ve been through. I look her in the eyes, and she bites her bottom-lip. I part my lips slowly and mutter almost not audible words: “I know that she’s in there somewhere”. Amy is staring at me. She doesn’t say anything for a few moments, but then she suddenly opens her mouth. “I should go”, She mumbles, before standing up. “Take care, Niall”. Oh my God. She’s doing that again. “Amy”. I hear her sigh when I call on her, but ignores me. “Amy!” She stops walking, and glances at me, almost hesitantly. “What?” I stand up to, and take a step forward. “I’m not letting you walk away again”. “Huh?” I shake my head. “The night of the accident, you walked away from me. And I didn’t go after you.” She has turned around now, facing me. She looks alarmed, and has crossed her arms over her chest. “And I tell you Amy, not going after you? The biggest mistake of my freaking life”. Amy bites her lip, looking at me uneasy. She takes a step backwards, not breaking the eye contact with me. “Sorry Niall, I should go”. She turns around and walks out from the kitchen, to the hallway, pretty fast. Very fast for being a person who just came out from the hospital, I mean. “Amy!” And she’s out of the door. I walk after her, almost running, but this time she doesn’t stop. We go out to the garden. I almost run to keep the same pace as she, and soon I can touch Amy’s wrist. I grab on to it, and turn her around so she’s facing me. She’s panting, and looks up at me. Suddenly, I notice that we are standing with only a few inches between us, and I feel a blush creeping up on my face. I quickly take a step back, and let go of Amy’s wrist. “I’m sorry, I just…” Amy shakes her head. “It’s okay”, she mumbles, blushing too. “No it’s not. I’m being a big fat jerk and a stupid arse”, I answer her, and she smiles a bit at my choice of words. “Really fancy”, she says sarcastically. I sigh and rub my temples with my fingertips lightly. This was not going as planned. “Amy, I thought… Maybe we could just… I don’t know, watch a movie or something?” Amy coughs, before looking up at me again. Her eyes have softened a bit, and a tiny smile plays on her lips “Not Titanic, I don’t really want to cry right now”. I smile at her. “Damn it, I really wanted to watch a ship sink”. She rolls her eyes, and takes a step to the direction of the house again. I follow her inside, and we plop down on the couch. Even though we sit in two different ends of the couch, I feel very pleased with the placement. “Okay, what should we watch?” I shrug. “Pick anything you want”. Amy’s POV “Pick anything you want”. I look through the movies, before grinning and picking up a DVD. “Marley and Me?” He asks, looking surprised at the CD in my hand. “You just said that you weren’t feeling like crying tonight”. I shrug and narrow my eyes at him. “You said I could pick”. He nods and then smiles weakly at me. “Of course, I love this movie”. Lies. I ignore the obvious lie he just told me and take the movie from his outstretched hand. When I take the DVD, our fingers meet for a second. I know it sounds so cheesy, but I swear I felt electricity flood when our fingertips connects, but I try to ignore it. I plop in the movie, before taking place in the couch again. I snuggle up besides Niall, who automatically places his arm around my shoulders. Well, until he freezes and then looks down at me with a shocked facial expression. “Amy?” I look at him, and then at how close we are sitting, and then back up at him. “Oh”. Quickly I move from him and sit down in the other end of the couch again. Niall coughs a little, before concentrating on the movie again. What the heck just happened? I just snuggled up to him on a couch, like it’s completely normal. Well, it’s not. And yes, I’m going to ignore the fact that I liked being in his arms. That it made me feel… safe. Or something. After about half the movie, I almost can’t hold myself from crying. “Hey, the sad parts haven’t even started!” Niall exclaims, gesturing wildly at the screen and gives me a confused and quite irritated look. I nod and wipe the tears from my cheeks. “I know, it’s just that… I think about how they have no idea what’s going to happen, and that makes me really sad!” He laughs loudly, throwing his head back while doing so. “Oh my God Amy, only you”. Niall’s POV When the movie is over, I feel empty inside. I seriously hate this film so much. And Amy is crying like crazy. “Oh dear god”, she mumbles and wipes her face. “Are you alright?” I ask her, and she nods. “I’m fine”. ‘Of course you are’ I think sarcastically in my head, but I don’t say anything. “Please, just distract me for a while”, she says and blinks away the tears in her eyes. I raise my eyebrow at her, and it takes a few seconds for Amy to catch on. She starts to blush and makes a disgusted face. “Ew! Not like that, why is everyone so perverted?” I laugh. “I feel bad for you, Ames”, I joke. “But I really don’t have anything else to distract you with”. Amy rolls her eyes, still blushing. “Tell me about yourself then?” I shake my head. “I told you before, I’m not interesting”. She raises her eyebrows. “I’m sure you are. Now tell me!” Amy’s POV Niall laughs at my sudden eager, before finally giving in. “Hello, my name is Niall James Horan. I’m from a little town in Ireland called Mullingar, were I grew up. I have me mother, me father and me older brother, Greg. My brother has a son names Theo, he’s me nephew and the cutest baby alive. I play the guitar, just like you, and I sing. I love to play pranks on people, especially you and your sisters. When I’m older I want to have kids, at least two, and I would name them Riley and Drew. Hurray for unisex-names!” I laugh a little. Okay, that was adorable. Like, super cute. My smile is still covering my face when I think for a second. There where some things he forgot to mention, though. “You play soccer sometimes”, I say, and Niall’s head tilts up, looking at me. “You love having breakfast to dinner. You can’t read a book if your life depends on it. Your favourite drink is beer and you think French kissing is too sloppy”. Niall’s is sitting there, frozen, not saying anything while staring at me. I suddenly remember another thing. “And you hate the move Marley and Me”. The silence fills the air, and Niall just stares at me, shocked. Okay, what did I say now? “Amy?” I look at him, almost scared about what he’s going to say. “Yeah?” He stares at me, and then takes a deep breath. “How do you know all those things?” I shrug. “You have told me, I’ve found out during the tour and-“ And then I go quiet. And I understand. And I stare at him with the same shocked look that he has on his face. “Oh”, I mumble, blinking a couple of times by surprise. Niall’s blue, sparkly eyes finds mine, and he looks at me with a confused look on his face. “Amy… do you… remember?” His voice is so weak, like he can’t believe what is happening. To be honest, I can’t believe it either. But when I search in my memory, I remember every little detail about the tour like it happened yesterday. I remember the first time I met Niall. Our first kiss. The time he sang to me and told me he loved me. When I cut myself, and he was there… and when the boys did the prank on us, and the prank-war. Also when we said goodbye, and when I broke up with him over the phone. But even then he came back. And he told me about that girl he slept with, and then I left and got drunk… Louis came and was going to drive me home, but I got into the car and drove of… I look down at my hands. They’re shaking. My whole body is shaking. I look up at Niall again, who have moved closer to me over the couch. “Amy?” He asks, and I hear his voice cracking a bit. I meet his eyes, and I see that they are filled with tears. I nod slowly. “I remember”, I whisper, my mouth still hanging agape in a perfect “o”-shape. Niall looks at me, and then takes a deep breath. “You remember”, he breathes out. I nod again. “I remember”. Then all of a sudden, a big smile is placed on his face, shining up his beautiful eyes. “You remember!” He exclaims, making me jump a little by his sudden movement. And he almost jumps into my arms, and holds his hands around me in a tight embrace. And I laugh through the tears. I promise you, I’m not going to be the first one to go out from this hug. Then he pulls away, but instead of moving away from me, he closes the gap again and kisses me. He pushes me down lightly, so I’m lying on the couch with him over me. He continues kissing me, and I continue kissing back. The only sound is the music at the end-credits of the movie, playing in the background, and Niall whispering something that sounds like “You remember”, or “Thank God”. I pull away from his lips, and ignore his disappointed look he gives me. My gaze meets Niall’s, and a big grin is plastered on my face as I look into his eyes. “I love you Niall”. He grins at me happily, strokes my cheek with his thumb and kisses my lips again, softly. “I love you too, Amy, so much”. --------------------------------------------- Okej, that's that. Glöm inte att läsa epilogen som kommer upp om ett par dagar! QUESTION OF THE DAY: Nu, när in princip hela fanficen är uppe, vilken är ert favorit-citat från If You Give Me A Chance? Favorit-ship? Favorit-händelse? Favorit-karaktär? JAG VILL VETA AHHHHH Okej, tack. Hejdå. LOVE YOU GUYS OMGHFJHQKFOQSFD --Stella♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 18 apr, 2014 10:00 |
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Har varit bortrest i ett par veckor nu, och äntligen läst ikapp.... OMAJGASH!! Namyyyyyy ;_; ♥
Ska skriva mer omfattande och svara på frågorna sen, men nu måste jag hämta min förlamade farmor, för vi ska på konsert. Aaaah!! ♥ namynamynamynamy... 18 apr, 2014 10:56 |
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fashion7 yeaaaah du är tillbaka!!! ^.^♥
Ha det så kul på konserten!!♥ "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 18 apr, 2014 12:52 |
Ariana Potter
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Skrivet av Mixy: QUESTION OF THE DAY: Nu, när in princip hela fanficen är uppe, vilken är ert favorit-citat från If You Give Me A Chance? Favorit-ship? Favorit-händelse? Favorit-karaktär? JAG VILL VETA AHHHHH Okej, tack. Hejdå. LOVE YOU GUYS OMGHFJHQKFOQSFD --Stella♥ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Favvocitat: "I don't want to take it slow anymore" Favvoship: Namy ♥ Favvohändelse: När alla i 1D och Cimorelli träffas för första gången Favvokaraktär: Lauren Cimorelli♥ Du är grym Mixy, så freaking awsome. Sluta aldrig skriva, för du är helt underbar. ♥ 19 apr, 2014 09:26 |
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Skrivet av Ariana Potter: Du är grym Mixy, så freaking awsome. Sluta aldrig skriva, för du är helt underbar. ♥ Awwh, fick världens största leende när jag läste det där! Tack så mycket, men kom ihåg att det är ni som har gjort att jag fortsätter skriva!! TACK!!!♥ "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 19 apr, 2014 16:36 |
Forum > Fanfiction > Andra fandoms > If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)
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