If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)
Forum > Fanfiction > Andra fandoms > If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)
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Fairy Tale
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28 mar, 2014 15:53 |
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..... you know you love me... ![]() "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 28 mar, 2014 15:59 |
Fairy Tale
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28 mar, 2014 16:15 |
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Niall är en j**** f****** b****, han kan gå och ****** *** *****.
Puh, skönt att få det där ur sig... 28 mar, 2014 18:59 |
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Skrivet av Borttagen: Niall är en j**** f****** b****, han kan gå och ****** *** *****. Puh, skönt att få det där ur sig... Wow. Det var... brutalt ärligt. Hahaha omg ily guys so much you have no idea♥ "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 28 mar, 2014 21:17 |
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29 mar, 2014 07:16 |
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Omg hade nästan glömt att det är Måndag
![]() NYTT KAPITEL jskwbkfjcqiuwvfgbqi Chapter 49 Niall’s POV I walk in through the big double-doors to the airport and try to blink the tears out from my eyes. With a melancholy sigh I drag my suitcase behind me and start to walk up to the big gate. “Niall! Wait!” I bit my lip and turn around, slowly. Harry is the first one to be by my side, panting by running after me. “Niall, you can’t just go!” He exclaim. By that time, the others are here too. Everyone just stands there and stares at me. “Why not?” I ask Harry. “There’s nothing left for me here”. Christina shakes her head and walks up to me fast. She gives me a slap over the face, and I groan by the sharp pain. “You really need to stop doing that”, I mumble and feel on my already bruised cheek. “Sorry, but you’re an idiot sometimes, Niall”, Christina says. “Amy needs you here!” I shake my head. “She doesn’t need me”. “She does!” Lauren exclaims. “Even if she doesn’t remember you, she’ll fall apart without you there!” I raise my eyebrow at her, and she coughs a little awkwardly “I sounded better in my head”, she promises thoughtful. I just snort and take my case again. “Niall, don’t go!” Katherine lets go of Zayn’s hand and walks up to me. She looks into my eyes, and I look away. If I look her in the eyes, I will promise her to stay and I can’t risk that. She’s too good at convincing me. Promise me, I already have lost my last cookie because of her puppy-stare, it’s not funny. “Niall, we need you here”, Katherine says seriously, and lays her hand over mine on the suitcase. Just then a voice comes out form the speakers. “Plane to Mullingar leaves in ten minutes, everybody needs to board now”. I shake my head. “I’m sorry guys. Give Amy my best, okay?” I brush away Katherine’s hand off the suitcase, and start to drag it to the gate. Quickly, I glance behind me and see Zayn going up to Katherine, wrapping his arms around her and giving her a small kiss on the cheek. When I’m almost at the gate, I hear my phone beep. I sigh and take it up from my pocket, expecting it to be from the boys or the girls. I need to talk to you. Can you come in, like now? -Amy I glance back quickly, and take a deep breath at the sight. Lauren is sitting down on one of the chairs, with her face in her hands. I see Liam sitting down besides her, laying an arm around her shoulders. The others just stand there, like wax-dolls. No one moves. No one says anything. And I turn around and walk up to them again. “When I think about it”, I mumble, not meeting their surprised looks. “I figure I need to be here instead”. Without saying anything else, I start to jog out form the airport to get a cab. Amy’s POV The tip of my finger is following the lines that I’ve written. With every word I read, I feel something move around in my stomach even more. I’m on the edge of tears, and take a deep breath to not start to bawl like a little kid. 27th of October Dear Journal We landed in Norway yesterday, and its freezing! But Niall lend me his sweater at the airport, so I was fine, haha. Last night we were all watching a movie after the show, and Lisa fell asleep in Harry’s lap. Don’t worry – I took a picture and posted it on twitter. Niall wanted me to stay the night in his room - and I wanted to so badly. Honestly, I sleep much better with him besides him. I feel so safe when I wake up with his arms wrapped around me. But, I didn’t stay there, because I remember what happened last time… I really need to talk with Niall about that, the girls was so mad! Can I tell you a secret? I think a love him. He makes everything so much brighter, and I feel so happy when I’m with him. I haven’t told him, though. I hope he feels the same way. Goodnight. --Amy There is a soft knock on the door, and I already know who it is, without someone needing to tell me. “Come in”, I say, and caught myself with trying to fix my hair a bit. Niall’s blonde head pops in and after hesitating for a second he walks into the room. He is holding a bouquet of white, beautiful flowers in his hand, and a suitcase in the other. “Are you going somewhere?” I ask him, nodding to the suitcase. He looks down at it, and surprised look in his face. “I thought I would, but I missed the plane when I was trying to get a cab here”, He says and let go of the handle to the case. I look at him, surprised. “You didn’t leave because I asked you to come?” He nods and looks down at the flowers in his hand, like he just now realised that he’s carrying them. “I’m sorry”, He mumbles and places the bouquet on the table besides me. “It’s a habit”, He continues, and sits down at the chair besides my bed. “I always got you flowers when you were in the coma”. I nod and look down at my hands, feeling a bit awkward. Why do I feel like the only thing that matters is him? I can’t feel that. I just can’t feel that about someone I don’t even remember. It wouldn’t be fair to me or him. “So”, I begin, and look up at Niall. I meet his sparkly, blue eyes and blink a couple of times. Niall raises his eyebrow. “So…?” I shake my head a little, trying to clear up my thoughts. Concentrate, Amy! “I asked Lauren to get me this”, I say and show him my journal. Niall looks at it and then his eyes widen a little. “It’s your… Diary?” I nod. “I’ve read it, and it looks like I really loved you”. Niall is quiet. He doesn’t look at me, just closes his eyes and bites his lip. “Niall?” He shakes his head. Just then I realise that a tear is rolling down his cheek, leaving a wet mark on his face. “I’m sorry”, he mumbles and wipe away the tear with his sleeve. “It’s just… hard. Hearing you say ‘loved’, not love”. Okay, how the heck are you supposed to answer that?! I nod slowly. “I’m sorry”, I mutter, and he smiles weakly at me. “You are sorry that you lost your memory in a car-accident?” I shake my head. “I don’t know. I’m sorry for making you feel this way. I’m sorry for making this huge mess and just leaving it for you to clean up. And I’m sorry for drinking that night and then being the idiot who drove when she was drunk”. Niall’s POV I furrow my eyebrows. Amy has gone quiet and is looking out through the window, but there’s something wrong with what she said. “Hang on…” I mumble and get up from the chair. I walk out from the room, and see a nurse in the corridor. “Hello”, I say to her, and she looks up to me. “I’m here seeing Amy Cimorelli, and I was wondering if you had told her that she was drunk-driving the night of the accident”. The nurse thinks for a moment. “Yes, we told her yesterday. Doctor Jones thought she was strong enough to hear it by then”. I stare at her. “Okay, thanks”, I manage to get out from my dry mouth, before I walk into Amy’s room again. She’s reading her diary again, and looks up at me with an amused look on her face when I come into the room. “Look at this”, She says, with a huge smirk over her face. “I’ve written that you once talked about me in your sleep, when we were watching a movie”. I smile weakly at her. I watch her as her eyes flies over the pages, reading everything she has written down about our relationship. And I thought she was getting her memory back. Kind of sucks, I know. Amy looks up and smirks at me teasingly. “Are you going to sit down, or…?” I shake my head. “I… I think I should go”. Amy’s smile fades. “Oh”. My gaze is glued to the ground, but I hear her sigh, almost like she’s sad about me leaving. ”Um… I’ll see you?” I nod. “Yeah, I guess”. lalalalala *skrattar elakt* LOVE YOU GUYS --Stella♥ "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 31 mar, 2014 21:18 |
Fairy Tale
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31 mar, 2014 21:58 |
Ariana Potter
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1 apr, 2014 07:40 |
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Men ugh.... Skärp er Namy -.-
1 apr, 2014 14:00 |
Forum > Fanfiction > Andra fandoms > If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)
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