If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)
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Känner att förra kapitlet var ganska dåligt, så jag postar ett nytt nu haha
![]() Chapter 43 We rush through the doors at the hospital. My heart almost stops in my chest when I see all the sad, crying and worried people sitting in the waiting-room. We walk up to the desk were a nurse is sitting. I try to say something, but I can’t bear saying the words on my lips. I just stand there, looking like a fool. Liam jumps in, saving me once again. “Hello, we are looking for Amy Cimorelli”, He says coolly, and smiles at the nurse. The nurse smiles back at him, and look through her papers. “She’s in room 151C, second floor”, She says to Liam. “Thank you, have a nice day”, Liam says politely, and goes away, followed by us. I swear, that boy can have the world wrapped around his little finger if he just wants to. We take the elevator to the second floor. When we step out from the elevator, I immediately spot Louis, Mike and Alex, standing in the corridor. My brain can’t even wonder why the hell Louis is doing there already, looking like he came hours ago. They wave when they sees us, and walks up to us. “She’s in there”, Mike says shortly and points at a closed door. The number 151C is written on it. I hesitate for a second, but then slowly open the door and walk inside. The rest of the Cimorelli-family is sitting there, and they all turn their heads to me when I walk in. I hear the others come into the room, too. Lauren stands up from a chair she was sitting on, goes up to me and hugs me tight. I hug her back, but keep my eyes focused on the bed, though. The small, pale, fragile body lying there, covered in a blanket and tubes sticking out from different parts of her body. The body that doesn’t look like Amy at all, but the body that I know is hers. “Hey, guys”, Michael says, kneeing down so he’s in eye-level of the little boys. “Do you want to have ice-cream?” They nod, and Lynne follows them all out. Before she walks out from the room though, she takes my hand and squeezes it lightly. When she’s gone, I take a deep breath. With careful, slow steps I walk up to the bed, and sit down in a chair besides it. I hear small sobs. Who is it from, Dani? Lisa? I don’t know, and I don’t have enough energy to find out. But I take Amy’s hand in mine, and hold it pressed against my lips. No one says anything. No one dares to say anything, but I know what they all are thinking. “She can’t be… is she….?” The girls shake their heads quietly, and Liam lets go of a deep breath. “Alive but barely breathing”, Louis whispers, to then look at me, his eyes full of regret. “I’m sorry, I just…” I shake my head, too tired to even fight. “Just be quiet, okay?” Louis nods and looks down at Amy again, quiet. The door opens and a Doctor comes in. She has quite long, blonde hair and blue eyes. She looks quite friendly, actually, but she has the looks for an actress rather than a doctor. She smiles at all of us, and her eyes lands on me. “I’m Doctor Jones”, She says. I nod shortly, and she continues. “Are you her boyfriend?” I nod again, and glance at Amy. “Doctor Jones?” Christina says quietly, and I can hear her voice cracking a bit. “Yes?” Doctor Jones answers and turns to Christina. “What happened? How did the surgery go?” I close my eyes, trying to shut the world out. Surgery? Damn it. The Doctor sighs and glances at me before beginning to talk. “I just told your parents this”, She says. “Amy was in a car-accident, but her body isn’t much damaged, witch is good. She got a broken rib and a bruised ankle, but that’s it. The problem is her brain, which was pretty damaged in the accident. She got into surgery as fast as she got here. While in there, we discovered a bleeding in her brain”. My eyes are filled with tears, and everyone is quiet while Doctor Jones is talking. “We thought we stopped the bleeding, but a recent scan shows that Amy is still quite unstable”. I look up at Jones. “But you fixed it, right?” I ask her, and she looks at me seriously. “I’m afraid we can’t do anything more. The damage caused a kind of coma, a rare kind. It is possible for her to wake up, but as for now, we don’t know”. The silence fills the room, and all I can hear is the beeping of Amy’s machines, and the sister that is crying, whoever it is. “So”, Harry begins talking, slowly. “You are saying that there is nothing you can do?” Jones shakes her head. “The only thing we can do now is to wait. I’m really sorry”. Then she walks out from the room and closes the door behind her. Everyone looks at either Amy or me, but no one says anything. We stay like that for a couple of minutes, but the silence is then stopped by Christina. She sings a note, and all of the sisters listen up immediately. Christina doesn’t say witch song it is, but as she begins to sing, all of her sisters join too immediately. Step one you say “we need to talk” He walks, you say “sit down, it’s just a talk” He smiles politely back at you You stare politely right on through Then suddenly, the boys join to sing too. They take the lead, while the girls just keep singing harmonies in the background. I know the tune. I’ve heard it before. It’s not one of our songs, neither one of the girls. But it is a song that Louis always plays when he gets the chance. Some sort of window to your right As she goes left, and you stay right Between the lines of fear and blame You begin to wonder why you came We’re did I go wrong? I lost a friend Somewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known, how to save a life They go in to the second verse, and I feel the tears prickling behind my eyelids. It’s a beautiful song, and the way that they sing it just is too much. Let him know that you know best ‘Cause after all you do know best Try to slip past his defence Without granting innocence Lay down a list of what is wrong The things you’ve told him all along Pray to God he hears you And Pray to God he hears you We’re did I go wrong? I lost a friend Somewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known, how to save a life As he begins to raise his voice You lower yours, and grant him one last choice Drive until you lose the road Or break with the ones you’ve followed He will do one of two things He will admit to everything Or he’ll say he’s just not the same And you’ll begin to wonder why you came We’re did I go wrong? I lost a friend Somewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known, how to save a life We’re did I go wrong? I lost a friend Somewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known, how to save a life Doktor Jones: ![]() Omg jag är så stolt över mig själv för att jag låten "How To Save A Life" av The Fray (Louis favvo-band typ) eftersom det är min favoritlåt just nu och jag lyssnar på den hela tiden haha --Stella♥ "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 12 mar, 2014 21:24
Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2014-03-12 kl. 21:40
Fairy Tale
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Jag vill såklart att du laddar upp kapitel (duh), men samtidigt vill jag att du inte gör det så det aldrig tar slut! Lova mig att du skriver en ny :3
![]() ![]() 12 mar, 2014 21:35 |
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Skrivet av Fairy Tale: Jag vill såklart att du laddar upp kapitel (duh), men samtidigt vill jag att du inte gör det så det aldrig tar slut! Lova mig att du skriver en ny :3 Tänk såhär: Om Stella inte postar nya kapitel, så kommer jag aldrig få veta vad som händer! Haha ![]() "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 12 mar, 2014 21:42 |
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Oh my god i love it ♥
Så känslosamt åhhh typ dog flera gånger om, Amy plz stay... Gaah måste ha meeer 8( ![]() 12 mar, 2014 22:06 |
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Mer NU
12 mar, 2014 22:14 |
Ariana Potter
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Skrivet av Freddelito: stole my words♥Oh my god i love it ♥ Så känslosamt åhhh typ dog flera gånger om, Amy plz stay... Gaah måste ha meeer 8( 13 mar, 2014 07:40 |
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Nytt kapitel för att fira att det är fredag
![]() Ps. Ja, kapitlet börjar med att det är Alex perspektiv. Och ja, Alex som i tjejernas 17-åriga bror Alex haha Chapter 44 Alex’ POV I walk down to the kitchen to find all of my sisters, except one, sitting around the table, having what looks like a meeting. “No, we can’t do it without her!” I stop immediately when I hear how heated the conversation is, and stay outside the door to eardrop on the girls. “We maybe won’t ever get this opportunity again”, Katherine says, even though I hear that she doesn’t sound totally convinced. “So we are just going to do it without her? On her freaking birthday?” I’m surprised how stern Lauren sounds when she stands up for whatever she thinks is right. “Please don’t yell”, Katherine asks, and then sighs. I glance inside of the room, and see Lauren’s angry face. Dani shrugs. “She’ll maybe wake up by then, its many months away”. Her voice is so weak, like she didn’t even convince herself. “She wouldn’t want us to do it without her”. I don’t really have to ask who they are talking about. The others look down at their hands, and it’s Lisa who breaks the silence. “Lauren”, she says with a calm and soft voice. “She’s in a coma, she wouldn’t want us to just sit here while our careers-“ “I think Lauren’s right”. Lisa stops in mid-sentence when Christina speaks up. “I hate letting go of something like this, but I don’t think I’ll be able to do it without her”. “Thank you”, Lauren mumbles to Christina, but then sighs and looks down at her hands again. Dani shakes her head, frustrated. “It’s one of the biggest gigs we have ever had, and it’ll be our own concert. Amy would have wanted-“ “Don’t say her name”. Lauren takes a deep breath and continues. “Just don’t, okay? I can’t hear it without feeling like I’ll start to cry”. Katherine opens her eyes that she had closed, like she was praying. “Should we take a vote?” Everybody nods seriously and sits up a little straighter in their chairs. “Okay”, Christina says, almost hesitatingly. “Everybody in favour of doing the gig”. Lisa and Dani raise their hands in the air, and then look at Katherine. She bites her lip, and hesitates for a moment before raising her hand slowly, too. “Okay, it’s decided. Mark down July the first girls”. Lauren shakes her head and rise from her chair quite sudden. “I already had it marked down, but not for a gig exactly”. Then she walks out from the kitchen. I don’t even have time to hide when she comes out from the room. Her eyes are puffy and a little bit red, and they widen when she sees me. “Alex?” I shrug. “I heard what you guys were talking about, it really sucks”. Lauren sighs and shakes her head slowly. “On her birthday. They want us to go to London and do a gig on her birthday”. I nod slowly, and then open my arms for her. Lauren blinks away the tears in her eyes and walks up to me. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. “It’s okay. Alright? Shhh”, I say, trying to comfort her while her shaky breaths and sobs disappears and is replaced by deeper inhales. Louis’ POV “Well, should I tell him?” Harry looks at me thoughtfully, before shaking his head slowly. “He won’t believe you”. I sit up a little straighter on the hotel-bed, and eye Harry carefully. The other guys are sitting besides or in front of me in the room, and haven’t said a thing when I’ve told them about how I found Amy. Niall’s at the hospital, of course. He has barely leaved Amy’s side for the past week. Liam nods to Harry’s statement earlier. “He’ll maybe even beat you up for even consider the fact that Amy drank”. I shrug. “It doesn’t really matter, does it?” “Niall is your best mate, I’m sure he’ll believe you”, Zayn says, arguing against the others. I furrow my eyebrows, and think about right before the first time we met the girls. How Niall was about to punch me right then and there. I still remember the fire in his eyes that freaked me out so much. If the boys hadn’t stopped him, would he have beaten me up for teasing him about Amy? Really? And if he would have, what will happen if I tell him about how Amy was drinking that night? I shake my head. “I won’t tell him. I can’t, I don’t have the guts”. Zayn sighs. “Fine, but I still think he’ll want to hear it from you rather than some random doctor”, he mutters, before rising from his seat and walking out from the room. I sigh and put my face in my hands. This isn’t really my day. “Why did I have to find her?” I ask no-one in particular. “If I didn’t come, the bartender would have called a cab and Amy would be home now”. Harry rubs my back reassuringly. “Don’t blame yourself; you only did what you had to do. It’s not your fault this happened”. --Stella♥ "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 14 mar, 2014 18:36
Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2014-03-14 kl. 20:08
Fairy Tale
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14 mar, 2014 20:05 |
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Åh deras konversation var så sorglig, vet inte själv vad jag skulle välja... Louis :c längtar efter mer, du skriver bäst ♥
![]() 14 mar, 2014 23:14 |
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Ska jag posta ett nytt kapitel idag???
![]() "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 16 mar, 2014 14:13 |
Forum > Fanfiction > Andra fandoms > If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)
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