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Into the Void (PRS med Shrek)

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Out of anything in the world, Robert sitting on his back was probably what he wanted the least. But alas, it was that or the guardian killing them, and Loki needed Robert. As soon as Robert had fulfilled his purpose, Loki would sure rid himself of his presence.

So now they were running towards the big city. Or rather, Loki in the form of Odin was running while Robert sat on his back making cowboy sounds.

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8 jan, 2015 18:21

Emme Lestrange


The exhaustion from climbing onto Maybe-Odins back had been worse than anyone could have imagined. Robert could taste blood in his mouth and he breathed even heavier than usual.

When Robert, or well, Maybe-Odin finally reached Thanos Evil City they were both taken by surprise when a short evil-looking dude showed up.

"My name is The Other" the creature hissed, looking suspiciously at Robert and Maybe-Odin.
"The Other.... What?" Robert asked, confused as never before.
"Just The Other."
"The Other what?"
"The Other"
"But The Other WHAT?"

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9 jan, 2015 23:56



Loki could sense that this was not the kind of shit The Other wanted to hear. But perhaps he could ally himself with this Other dude and let him kill Robert at the same time? That would be rather pleasant. So Loki watched Robert continue his intense questioning for a while before attempting to communicate with The Other.

"I am Odin, of Asgard. I have come to Thanos Evil City to speak to your leader about a possible contract, and I trust you are able to bring me to him?" Loki said while watching Robert in the corner of his eye, waiting for him to do something really fucking stupid or something.

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10 jan, 2015 17:39

Emme Lestrange


"I'll ask you one more time, THE OTHER WHAT?" Robert asked, irritated as never before. How could this alien be so rude? If you start a sentence, you have to end it.

Then suddenly Loki asked the rude-dude if he could take him to Thanos. "CAN I COME WITH YOU??????" Robert shouted with a big smile on his face. Rude-dude rolled his eyes and then turned to Maybe-Odin. "Yes, I will take you to him now."

"Maybe-Odin, please let me ride on your back again" Robert whispered so that only Maybe-Odin could hear him.

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11 jan, 2015 21:18



Loki was about to ignore Robert and just follow The Other, but of course he had to practically jump onto his back. This then resulted in them both laying sprawled all over the floor while The Other eyed them with dismay.

He was not going to carry Robert's ass anymore. Robert would have to carry his own ass. And this is exactly what Loki told him, although in a significantly more posh way of course. Without waiting for Robert's reaction, Loki turned away and followed The Other. Time to get some bitches.

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12 jan, 2015 17:24

Emme Lestrange


Tears were streaming down Robert's face. How could Maybe-Odin do this to him, how could he do this after all they've been through. Poor Robert did not have to cry for more than one second, because suddenly, Vild-Hasse was standing(sitting? rolling? Who knows? Robert certainly don't) next to him. "Get on me' lap kid!" Hasse screamed.

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13 jan, 2015 14:33



Loki did hear someone scream right as he went through a door. But Loki did not care. #badass

They continued through corridors and more corridors, until the stairs replaced the corridors. Robert would certainly have died. Maybe Loki should have had taken Robert with him just to rid this realm of him.

Finally, Loki and The Other were standing in front of a huge door, which Thanos most likely would be behind. Fucking obviously, he's fucking tall. And you know what they say, tall men usually have big feet, and big feet normally mean a big *censored*

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13 jan, 2015 17:04

Emme Lestrange


Robert could see them. Maybe-Odin and Rude-Dude. "WAAAAIT FOR MEEEEEE" he screamed from the top of his lungs, still sitting in Vild-Hasse's lap.

"Ey kid, I can't roll down these stairs" Vild-Hasse said concernedly.
"Yes you can," Robert replied, whispering. Vild-Hasse nodded, screaming "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE" as he rolled down the stairs.

They hit the ground hard. Really hard. So hard that Vild-Hasse died. "Damn it" Robert said and stood up. "Maybe-Odin, you waited!"

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13 jan, 2015 21:02



'Blast it,' Loki thought. But maybe there was a slight chance that Robert would indeed die if he had to walk all the way over to Loki. Loki liked that thought. A lot.

But then, an idea sprung into Loki's mind. "I did indeed wait for you, as I have decided that you shall have the honours of entering Thanos' chambers first." Maybe that would get rid of Robert once and for all...

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15 jan, 2015 14:34

Emme Lestrange


The happiness, the excitement! It was too much for Robert to bear. He thought long and hard about what Maybe-Odin just told him, could it be true that HE would be the one to meed Thanos? First? It was amazing! One month later, Robert had an answer. "Ok"

"Perfect" Maybe-Odin said and took a step back. He continued."Well then, step inside"

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18 feb, 2015 11:40

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