If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)
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Okej ni kommer att hata mig när ni har läst det här kapitlet
BUT IT'S TOTALLY WORTH IT HAHA Chapter 41 part 2 Amy's POV A while later... “…And I’m kind of tired of playing the ‘good girl’, you know what I mean? All I get of it is heartbreak, right?” Eric smiles at my unclear blabbing. He wipes of another glass. “I think we should get you a cab”, He says. I shake my head. “No, I’m fine, really, I have a car… I can just…” It's Eric turn to shake his head. “Absolutely not, I’m calling a cab”. The doors open, and a chilly breeze comes into the room and makes me shiver. I look up at the person that just walked in. He sighs when he sees me, and then runs up to me. “Amy? What are you doing?” He asks. Look up to him, and try to place his face, but it’s hard. Instead of two pairs of eyes, I see four. But after a few seconds, I realise who it is. “Oh God”, Louis mutters. “Who are you?” Eric asks him, and Louis glares at him. “I’m her friend”, Louis says sternly. “She has been away for hours, we had no idea were she was!” He sound upset, and I try to tell him that it’s fine, but he ignores me. “I’ll take you home now, okay Amy?” Louis asks, and I blink a couple of times. “No, I’ll drive”, I say, and Louis looks up at Eric again. “How much has she been drinking, exactly?” Eric looks down at the bell that lies at the table. “About four drinks”. Louis groans and curses under his breath. “Amy, come here”. I get up from the chair, and take few unsteady steps to the door. “I’m fine. Look?” Louis’ POV ( a few minutes before) I park the car and look up at the building. I really don’t think Amy would go to a pub, but Christina said that we have to look at every place. I walk inside, and see only to persons in the whole pub. One if them is the bartender, and the other one is… “Amy?” I run up to her. “What are you doing?” I ask her, and she looks at me confused. “Oh God”, I mumble when I see Amy’s unsteady and confused gaze. She’s clearly drunk. “Who are you?” The bartender asks, looking at me sternly. “I’m her friend”, I say, and hope that my voice is as strong like it is in my head. “She has been away for hours, we had no idea were she was!” The bartender nods. Amy mumbles something, but I ignore her. “I’ll take you home, okay Amy?” I say to her, and she furrows her eyebrows a bit. “How much has she been drinking, exactly?” I ask the bartender, who looks down at a bill on the table. “About four drinks”. I curse under my breath, and grab Amy’s arm. “Amy, come here”. She stands up, and begins walking to the door on unsteady steps. “I’m fine”, She says. “Look?” I grab her coat and purse, and go to the door after her. “Bye”, I mutter to the bartender, who raises a glass for a goodbye. “Good luck with her”, He says, and I roll my eyes at him. What a douche-bag. Except that Amy almost trip a few times, she’s fine I guess. Soon, we’re out on the deserted parking-lot. My car is still standing were I parked it, but Amy begins to walk up to another car, standing about twenty feet’s away. “Amy…” I say with a warningly voice, but she ignores it. “I’m going home, I promise. See you there”, she says and goes into the car. I start to run up to the car, but it’s too late. She has already started the engine and rolls out from the parking lot. Amy’s POV The cold wind made my sober up a bit, and I keep my eyes fixed on the road as I drive through the cold, dark night. The silence is pressing up against my eardrums, so I turn on the radio. Niall’s voice rings through the stereo and I groan in frustration. “Written on these walls are the colours I can’t chance… Leave my heart open, but it stays right here in its cage…” I chance the radio-station, and the tune of Ed Sheeran’s new song starts. I sing along to the lyrics, and smile a little as I drum with my fingers on the steering wheel. I steer out on the main-road, and make the car drive a little faster. I can almost hear the sound of the air when I drive through it. A smile is plastered on my face, and I let go of a small laugh. Then many things happen at the same time. My phone goes of. And I hear a horn honking in the distance. I reach for my phone in my purse, but I’m not able to reach it. Quickly I glance out on the road, before unbuckling my belt and reaching for my phone again. Then I see two big, white car-lights, staring me in the eyes, almost blinding me. I grab on to the steering-wheel and try to get away from the car in front of me, and I hear a loud BANG as I hit something. I’m not able to move. I can’t see anything in the dark, but I hear worried and upset voices in the distant. Something warm and sticky is running down my face. The only thought I’m able to form in my head is: I’m sorry Niall. Before everything goes black. Jag bara älskar cliffhangers, gör inte ni det? Cliffnagers är så sjukt roligt att skriva! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() --Stella♥ "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 9 mar, 2014 08:53 |
Fairy Tale
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Hej, jag är lite trögfattad ibland men, VAD TUSAN ÄR CLIFFHANGERS?
OCH GÅ INTE OCH DÖ NU DÅ BLIR JAG JÄKLIGT ARG ![]() ![]() ![]() 9 mar, 2014 08:59 |
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Cliffhanger enligt wikipedia: En spännande sekvens i en film, tv-serie eller liknande, som lämnas oavslutad vid reklamavbrott eller avsnittets slut. Cliffhanger enligt SAOL: Sätt för att knyta samman episoder i t-ex en TV-serie Cliffhanger enligt mig: Någon författare skrev så att i slutet av kapitel så hängde hjälten i en klippa, bara hållandes i sina fingrar (Klipphängare, Cliffhanger) och där kommer termen enligt mig. Jag skulle förklara det som ett slut av ett kapitel/pogram när det är som mest spännande, eftersom att det gör att man MÅSTE fortsätta läsa för att veta vad som händer ![]() Hoppas det hjälpte lol "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 9 mar, 2014 09:06 |
Fairy Tale
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Skrivet av Mixy: Cliffhanger enligt wikipedia: En spännande sekvens i en film, tv-serie eller liknande, som lämnas oavslutad vid reklamavbrott eller avsnittets slut. Cliffhanger enligt SAOL: Sätt för att knyta samman episoder i t-ex en TV-serie Cliffhanger enligt mig: Någon författare skrev så att i slutet av kapitel så hängde hjälten i en klippa, bara hållandes i sina fingrar (Klipphängare, Cliffhanger) och där kommer termen enligt mig. Jag skulle förklara det som ett slut av ett kapitel/pogram när det är som mest spännande, eftersom att det gör att man MÅSTE fortsätta läsa för att veta vad som händer ![]() Hoppas det hjälpte lol okej ![]() ![]() 9 mar, 2014 09:07 |
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Men ååååhh Amy sluta skämma ut dig! Niaaaaall!!! Ring ambulansen, vi behöver dina snäll-pojke-skills här!!
9 mar, 2014 09:34 |
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Nonononononono Amy!!!!!
Gaah noooo dö inte vi behöver dig!!! Och Niall; kom och rädda henne som en prins typ gaah How dare you cliffhanga oss, gaah vill ha mer 83 ![]() 9 mar, 2014 12:29 |
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Nytt kapitel någon?
![]() Chapter 42 Niall's POV I put my face into my hands, and sigh. No tears. No screams, nor yells. Only emptiness in my stomach, and it’s much worse. “Do you want anything?” Lauren lays her hand up my shoulder reassuringly, and I look up at her. She looks worried, like all of us, but she still tries to make me feel better. “No thank you”, I say and smile weakly at her. She nods, and then sits down next to me at the sofa. “Louis haven’t returned yet, he maybe knows were she is”. But even though she tries to sound strong for me, I hear the doubt in her voice. “Yeah, maybe”, I say, mostly to not break her hope, and Lauren rubs my back lightly. It’s weird, except Amy, Lauren is the one of the Cimorelli-sisters I’ve got closes to. Ever since Amy and my first fight, I’ve always come to Lauren if I need help. She’s like the sister I’ve never had. Okay that sounded so cheesy. Christina is still sitting in the sofa opposite of me, and stares blankly out in space. I can hear her mumble to herself: “Where can she be? We have looked everywhere. Where is she?” Lauren turns from Christina to me again. “Maybe you guys should go the hotel. We’ll call if anything’s happens”. I nod shortly. “Will you send Louis there, too?” “Of course”. The other boys come into the room. “Anything?” Harry asks, and we shake our heads. They sigh. “Are we going back to the hotel?” Liam asks quietly, and I nod. “I think that’s the best”. Lisa’s POV I follow the boys out to the cab that is waiting on them. I walk up to Niall, who looks like he really could use some rest. “We will call you if we hear anything”, I promise him, and he gives me a thankful look. I go in to hug him, give him a kiss on the cheek and whisper in his ear. “Don’t blame yourself, she’ll be home soon”. Then I go up and kiss Harry goodnight, before walking inside again. When I get back inside, the whole family is standing in the lunge. Mom has her phone pressed against her ear, and her eyes are really big. She looks chocked, and her face is white like snow. “Of course”, she says into the phone. “Okay, thank you. We’ll try to come as fast as possible. Goodnight to you too”. When she hangs up, she stands like that for a second. Then she sits down at the sofa, were she takes deep breaths. “Was it about Amy?” Christina asks weakly. Mom nods slowly, and it feels like everyone holds a breath when she opens her mouth. “Amy… She… She was in a car-accident. She’s at the hospital”. Niall’s POV I walk into the hotel-room and sit down at the bed slowly. The boys follow me in, and stand there in silence. My phone starts ringing, and I look at the screen. My heart almost jumps in my chest when I see who it is. “Lauren”, I mumble, before swooping my finger across the screen, answering the call. “Hello?” I say, almost too afraid to talk. “Niall”, Lauren says, her voice cracking a bit. “I promised I would call if we found her, right?” There are worried voices in the background, and also yells and something that sounds like… crying? I look at the boys, confused. They look at me with troubled looks. “Did you find her?” I ask into the phone. Lauren takes a deep breath. “Maybe its better if you get here, instead”. “To your house?” I ask her, and I hear a small sob escaping from her mouth. “No”, she says. “To the hospital”. Okej det här kapitlet var ganska dåligt, kort och meningslöst. ledsen för det... Nationella Prov imorgon - what a joy... (note the sarcasm) --Stella♥ "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 11 mar, 2014 20:11 |
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11 mar, 2014 20:42 |
Fairy Tale
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Nu laddar du upp det andra kapitlet innan jag bokstavligt talat äter upp mitt pannband! Skriv skriv skriv
![]() ![]() 11 mar, 2014 20:54 |
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11 mar, 2014 22:03 |
Forum > Fanfiction > Andra fandoms > If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)
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