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If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)

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3 mar, 2014 11:38



Gaah älskade kapitlet ♥
Insåg ärligt talat inte att denna awsome ff kunde ta slut, skulle vilja följa dem i all evinnerlighet ^^
Längtar efter mer 83


3 mar, 2014 12:40

Fairy Tale


Skrivet av Mixy:
Skrivet av Fairy Tale:
Jag kan inte fatta att detta är slut D: du måste skriva en uppförljare. Annars kommer jag attflytta in under din säng D:
Skrivet av Ariana Potter:
Skrivet av Fairy Tale:
Jag kan inte fatta att detta är slut D: du måste skriva en uppförljare. Annars kommer jag attflytta in under din säng D:
Haha, då bor jag under hennes skrivbord, så jag kan se alla hennes idéer som hon hittar på

Fattar ni att ni just hotade med att stalka mig tills jag skriver igen? Omg....

Skrivet av Ariana Potter:

--Stella♥ Vaaa! DU....ÄR.......BÄST........AV.....ALLA...SÅ......DU....FÅR....INTE.........SLUTA! Snälla, eller denna FF måste ju sluta någon gång, men du kanske kan skriva någon annan?
*hundvalpsögon* snäääälla Stella?

Awwwhhh taaaack♥

Ja. Vi skämtade bara

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_ma1q25sQX31qkx3d4o6_250.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F35592635%2Flarge.gif

3 mar, 2014 15:37

Ariana Potter


Skrivet av Fairy Tale:
Skrivet av Mixy:
Skrivet av Fairy Tale:
Jag kan inte fatta att detta är slut D: du måste skriva en uppförljare. Annars kommer jag attflytta in under din säng D:
Skrivet av Ariana Potter:
Skrivet av Fairy Tale:
Jag kan inte fatta att detta är slut D: du måste skriva en uppförljare. Annars kommer jag attflytta in under din säng D:
Haha, då bor jag under hennes skrivbord, så jag kan se alla hennes idéer som hon hittar på

Fattar ni att ni just hotade med att stalka mig tills jag skriver igen? Omg....

Skrivet av Ariana Potter:

--Stella♥ Vaaa! DU....ÄR.......BÄST........AV.....ALLA...SÅ......DU....FÅR....INTE.........SLUTA! Snälla, eller denna FF måste ju sluta någon gång, men du kanske kan skriva någon annan?
*hundvalpsögon* snäääälla Stella?

Awwwhhh taaaack♥

Ja. Vi skämtade bara

Ja, jag vet inte ens var du bor eller hur du ser ut ♥

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fovkrtb4 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fntpkxuj https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fpjwh669 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fn9czvun

3 mar, 2014 16:03



Skrivet av Ariana Potter:
Skrivet av Fairy Tale:
Skrivet av Mixy:
Skrivet av Fairy Tale:
Jag kan inte fatta att detta är slut D: du måste skriva en uppförljare. Annars kommer jag attflytta in under din säng D:
Skrivet av Ariana Potter:
Skrivet av Fairy Tale:
Jag kan inte fatta att detta är slut D: du måste skriva en uppförljare. Annars kommer jag attflytta in under din säng D:
Haha, då bor jag under hennes skrivbord, så jag kan se alla hennes idéer som hon hittar på

Fattar ni att ni just hotade med att stalka mig tills jag skriver igen? Omg....

Skrivet av Ariana Potter:

--Stella♥ Vaaa! DU....ÄR.......BÄST........AV.....ALLA...SÅ......DU....FÅR....INTE.........SLUTA! Snälla, eller denna FF måste ju sluta någon gång, men du kanske kan skriva någon annan?
*hundvalpsögon* snäääälla Stella?

Awwwhhh taaaack♥

Ja. Vi skämtade bara

Ja, jag vet inte ens var du bor eller hur du ser ut ♥

Ni kanske känner igen mig på min profilbild och jaGAR NER MIG AHHH

Okej skojar bara Love you!!!♥

"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

3 mar, 2014 16:12

Ariana Potter


Skrivet av Mixy:
Skrivet av Ariana Potter:
Skrivet av Fairy Tale:
Skrivet av Mixy:
Skrivet av Fairy Tale:
Jag kan inte fatta att detta är slut D: du måste skriva en uppförljare. Annars kommer jag attflytta in under din säng D:
Skrivet av Ariana Potter:
Skrivet av Fairy Tale:
Jag kan inte fatta att detta är slut D: du måste skriva en uppförljare. Annars kommer jag attflytta in under din säng D:
Haha, då bor jag under hennes skrivbord, så jag kan se alla hennes idéer som hon hittar på

Fattar ni att ni just hotade med att stalka mig tills jag skriver igen? Omg....

Skrivet av Ariana Potter:

--Stella♥ Vaaa! DU....ÄR.......BÄST........AV.....ALLA...SÅ......DU....FÅR....INTE.........SLUTA! Snälla, eller denna FF måste ju sluta någon gång, men du kanske kan skriva någon annan?
*hundvalpsögon* snäääälla Stella?

Awwwhhh taaaack♥

Ja. Vi skämtade bara

Ja, jag vet inte ens var du bor eller hur du ser ut ♥

Ni kanske känner igen mig på min profilbild och jaGAR NER MIG AHHH

Okej skojar bara Love you!!!♥

Love you too! ♥

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fovkrtb4 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fntpkxuj https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fpjwh669 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fn9czvun

3 mar, 2014 16:14




Chapter 39 part 1

Hazza: If I did something stupid last night, please kiss my a$$

Kath: Deep breaths, okay?

Kath: You didn’t do anything wrong last night. Don’t you remember? Wait, you didn’t drink, did you?

Hazza: Nope, I didn’t. And I do remember what happened, but Lisa won’t return my texts or calls! I’m worried that she is mad at me or something

Aw, that’s sweet! Don’t worry about Lisa, she’s still sleeping lol

Hazza: Oh, alright. Are we still up 4 today? Me + Zayn + Niall will pick up Lou and Li at the airport around noon. Meet us there? xx

Kath: Sounds gr8! And don’t worry; I’ll get Lisa with us if I have 2 drag her from her bed and carry her to my car myself lol

Hazza: What would I do without you Kath? You’re the best xx

Kath: Yeah, I know ; ) xx

Katherine’s POV

I lay my phone on my bed, and laugh a little at the conversation Harry and I just had.
Christina looks up from her computer. “Who were you texting?” She asks.
“Harry”, I answer. “We are meeting up the boys at the airport at noon, care to join us?”
She bites her lip. “I don’t know...” She hesitates, and I groan a bit.
“Come on! You barely talked to the boys when they were here last night, and you haven’t seen Liam in months!”
“Liam and Louis”, she corrects me.
“What?” I ask her, confused.
“You said Liam. But I haven’t seen Louis either”.

I nod. “Yeah, sorry, I meant Liam and Louis”.
She doesn’t look totally convinced, but ignores it. “I don’t think I’ll come”, She then says.
“It’s because of Liam, isn’t it?” I say to her, and her head tilts up.
“How did you know?” She asks.
“It’s easy to see that he likes you”, I explain, and she shrugs.
“I can’t stand seeing his big, brown puppy-eyes that is so broken and sad when he looks at me. I just can’t”.

We walk down to the kitchen, were Joey, Dani and Nick is sitting, playing Nintendo.
“Have you eaten breakfast already?” Christina asks. Nick nods.
“We ate pancakes”, he says, and then looks down at the screen again.
I glance at the clock, and state that we have about an hour until we have to go to the airport.
Christina looks at me. “Should we go out for a run?” She asks, and I grin.
“Sounds great”.

Niall’s POV

I get into the cab and close the door after me. Zayn and Harry follow me, and soon we are on out way to the airport.
“When are they arriving?” Zayn asks, glancing at him watch.
“12.04”, Harry says automatically. “We are coming right on time”.

Zayn looks at me. “Have you told her, bro?”
I shake my head, and Zayn looks down at his lap.
“She’ll want to know”, He says, and Harry nods.
“He’s right”, Harry mumbles.
“I know that he’s right, okay?!” I yell, making both Zayn and Harry to go quiet.
No-one says anything for a while; it’s just the sound of the other cars around us and the radio playing music quietly.

After a while, we are there, and we step out from the cab.
“Is that the girls?” I ask, and point at a group of girls, stepping out from a big, black car.
“I think so, yeah”, Harry says. We walk up to them.
“Good morning, ladies”, Zayn say smiling, and leans up to the car. Then he suddenly goes pale, and steps away. Just then I realise that these girls are not the Cimorelli-sisters.
“Um, who are you?” One of them asks. Zayn begins stuttering something that sounds like an apology, but I step in.
“I’m sorry; we thought you were our friends. Sorry we bothered you, have a nice day”.

Then Harry and I take one of Zayn’s arms each and drag him away from there.

When we get inside the airport, we see the actual Cimorelli-girls sitting at a café, talking and chilling out.
“Hi guys”, Lauren calls out. Then she looks at Zayn and giggles. “We did NOT look like those girls, at all”.
Zayn mutters something under his breath and sits down next to Katherine.
Dani, Lisa and Lauren start to sing.
“Everybody makes mistakes… Everybody has those days…”
I laugh. “Hannah Montana? Really?” And they just nod, smirking.

After a while we stand up and walk to the place where they will come from the plane.
And we wait.
Many fans spot us, and they run up to us, asking us to sign things. We do, of course, and I guess it’s a good way to make time pass.
But, after twenty minutes, we all are really bored.
”When will they come?” Dani asks and glance at her watch. Just when those words leave her lips, the door opens and Liam and Louis walks in to the airport with their bags in their hands.
And all the fans run up to them.
I guess we’re lucky, because it could’ve been even more people here, but it’s a small airport, and we tried to keep it quiet that they we’re arriving today.
But we walk up to Liam and Louis, who is signing things and taking pictures with fans. When they see us though, they grin, to then turn to the fans again.
“I’m sorry, but we have to go now”, Liam says to a girl and gives her a hug.
Louis walks up to us. “Hey there”, He says, smiling, and hugs us all.
Liam is soon here too, and everybody exchange hugs again.

“Do you guys have a car?” Louis asks. “I think we should drop of our things at the hotel before going out”.

After dropping of our things at the hotel, we sit in the massive car again. I guess you have to have a massive car with a family as big as the Cimorelli’s.
Amy looks up from her phone. “Mom asks if you guys want to have dinner at our place tonight”.
I glance at Louis, who shrugs. “Sound’s lovely”.

Efter nästa kapitel så kommer en liten "överraskning" haha


"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

3 mar, 2014 20:43



AWESOME kapitel Love it♥♥

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fencrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com%2Fimages%3Fq%3Dtbn%3AANd9GcTWjlLJasjBhJ5ZcJEgQwKjRRBcYj0JIPtPDVyOLLHrtj3pubP1dA Läs Järna min ff Mån barnet http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=35314&page=5#p2336622

3 mar, 2014 20:52

Fairy Tale


Mer mer

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_ma1q25sQX31qkx3d4o6_250.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F35592635%2Flarge.gif

3 mar, 2014 21:25



Oh a suprise låter härligt, men ditt "hehe" efter oroar mig lite... Speciellt när Niall är sådär hemlighetsfull...
Aja, awsome iaf, älskar det och längtar efter mer 83 ♥


3 mar, 2014 21:53

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