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If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)

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Nytt kapitel yaaaaaah

Extra långt ALL FOR YOU GUYS

Chapter 34

Niall’s POV…

I pick my phone out from my pocket, and I look at the screen. A smile spreads across my face when I see whose calling.
“It’s Amy, right?” Dad asks, smirking. I laugh a little before excusing myself and walking out of kitchen.
“Hey baby!” I say when I’ve picked up, and I hear Amy laugh in the other end.
“I love it when you know that it’s me and say stuff like that”, She says, and I smile.
“Great, because I think I’ll keep doing that”, I answer.

I walk through my parent’s house and up to my old room. The small room is painted with a baby-blue colour, and in the boxes under the bed there is still toys from when I was a kid. I’ve said to my parents that they should sell them or give them away to some school, but for some reason they never got rid of them.
I plop down at the bed and keep talking with Amy.

“So, what’s up?”
Amy sighs. “Katherine is really mad at Lisa because Lisa said that she and Zayn weren’t serious, so they’re not talking to each other”.

“Okay, but I don’t think that was why you called me, right?” I say and she makes an agreeing noise.
“Absolutely not, that was just me small talk, you know. I’ve talked to my parents, and they say that I can’t go to Ireland to visit you”.

I sit up straight. “What?! Why can’t you come?”
Amy sighs into the phone, and I can hear her hesitating. “If I would go, both Lisa and Kath would like to visit Harry and Zayn, what would make Chrissy want to go visiting Nick in Toronto. Plus, we have five brothers who are all very good on finding unfair things. And if all of us would go, both Lauren and Dani would insist on either come with one of us or go visiting one of THEIR friends that don’t live in California”.

“Do they even have any friends that don’t live in California?” I ask, suspiciously, because I’m quite sure that they don’t.
“Well, it’s Liam and Louis”.
I snort. “They would love that”, I say sarcastically, and Amy laughs dryly.
“Not even a bit. Plus my parents can’t afford to spend that sort of money right now”.

I think for a moment. “Do we have another plan, or is that it?” I ask her.
While I wait for her to answer, I fiddle with the hem of my shirt and chew a little at my lip.
“Well, we have a suggestion”.
“Does it include me meeting you?” I ask her, and she laughs.
“Or course it does. The suggestion is that y’all take a plane to CA”.

Amy’s POV…

My mind race and I can feel myself smile. Niall doesn’t say anything; I only hear his breaths in the phone.
“Come to California, to visit all of you?” He asks, and I laugh a little.
“Yeah, that’s what I said!” I say excitedly.
“Oh, Um…”
My heart drops and my smile fades.
“I’ll see if I can come… I don’t really know. I’ll think about it”.
I close my eyes and pray silently that he did not just say that.

“Did you really say that?” I ask him quietly and sigh. If he says that he’ll “think about it”, it’s basically the same thing as saying “I don’t think so, have a good day without me”.

“Well…” Niall begins, but I stop him.
“Niall, you don’t have to come if you don’t want to. I just thought that you would have the guts to tell me straight up instead of just disappointing me with your lies”.

“Amy, I-“
“Bye Niall”.

I hang up and throw the phone on my bed.


I can go on all day.

A scream of joy comes from the room next to mine, and I walk slowly out to the corridor.
Lisa runs out from her room, with a big smile placed on her face.
“Harry can come and spend new-years here!”

I groan and shut the door behind me as I walk in to my room again.

The knock on the wooden door is almost so light that I don’t hear it.
“Come in”, I mumble, and I see Katherine’s and Lisa’s faces pop in.
They tip-toe in and close the door after them. Katherine sits down besides me at my bed and Lisa sits down on the floor.
“Have you guys finally made up?” I ask them and give them I sour look. Katherine glances at Lisa.
“Yeah”, she says. “But don’t think about that. What’s going on?”

I shake my head. “I don’t want to talk about it, okay?”

Lisa takes my hand in hers and squeezes it lightly. “Didn’t Niall want to come here?” She asks and looks at me with a sympathetic look.
“How did you know?” I ask her and look at her for a second. She looks down at her hands for a moment before answering.
“Niall called me, and he told me everything”.

My face stiffens a bit. “You guys can go now”, I say dryly, and they stay quiet. “Seriously, please go”.

“I’m not going”, Katherine says simply.
“Why not?” I ask her and narrow my eyes at her.
”Because this is my room too”, She say and shrugs her shoulders a little.

I suddenly rise from my bed. “Fine”, I mutter, and storm out of the room.

I walk down to the living room and plump down at the sofa. After a few seconds of deep inhaling, I go to the drawer in the room and take out a blanket and a pillow.
After fixing the sofa, I lie down again and cover myself with the blanket. I close my eyes and try to relax, and after a while I feel myself getting more and more tired.
Soon, I fall into a dreamless sleep.

Noooooo Niall whaaaaaaat buhuuuu


"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

24 feb, 2014 10:34

Fairy Tale


Vafan Niall nu tar du och tar första bästa flyg till Californien, annars får du smaka på piskan här i Norge

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_ma1q25sQX31qkx3d4o6_250.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F35592635%2Flarge.gif

24 feb, 2014 11:41



Niall WTF?! Explain plz, ser ingen anledning till varför du inte skulle vilja oO asså Niall om du förstör Namy genom det här vet jag inte vad jag ska göra :E
Gaah vill ha mer


24 feb, 2014 16:32



Niall you silly bitch! Åk till Amy för faan!

24 feb, 2014 18:00




Ugh jag är jättetrött....

Chapter 35

Lisa’s POV

I slowly walk into the living-room. I see Amy lying in the sofa, with half of the blanket on the floor. A little smile spreads over my face as I walk up to her. I lift the blanket so it’s covering her again, before tucking her in like a little baby.

I know that she’s not a kid anymore. I know that she can take care of herself, but to me she’s still sometimes my little ten-year-old baby sister, who asks if I can braid her hair and read her a good-night story before bed.
I always did, since our parents were quite busy. I never blamed them though, none of us did. After all, eleven kids is a lot.

“Knock knock”.
I turn around and see Mike standing in the doorway.
“Hey”, I say quietly so I won’t wake Amy up.
Mike’s eyes are fixed on Amy’s, and I see his lips curve into a smile. I wonder if he also thinks of the younger version of her. The cute, little, bubbly girl she always was.
“When she’s asleep she doesn’t look a day over 14”, Mikes whispers.
My head nods. Then I sight and walk over to the door.
“We should give her some rest”, I decide, and walk out of the room, leaving Mike still standing in the doorway.

It’s funny
How the time flies
When all you want it to slow down

New Year’s eve… (10.00 AM, 14 hours till midnight)

Lisa’s POV

“@LisaCim How is Amy? She hasn’t tweeted for weeks! Is she alright?”

I stare at the tweet that just popped up on my twitter-feed.
My head is empty, and I can’t make myself answer the fan who asked.
So I rise from my bed, slowly, and get dressed. I hop in the shower. I feel the hot water fun over my body, making everything a little bit clearer.
Amy has gone from un-reachable to stiffly polite. She talks when she has to, but other than that she’s quiet. I know that Niall have called her many times, and I also know that she always picks up.


“Hi Niall”.
“Hey baby! Amy, I’m so sorry, you can’t understand how bad I feel about all of this! I love you so much and I can’t stand the idea-”
“It’s okay Niall, don’t think about it”

My ear is pressed against the door, so I can hear more. Okay, it’s not cool to eardrop but I have to know if they make up!

“But Amy, you have to listen to me!”
“Niall, I forgive you. Okay? Everything’s fine. But… there’s one thing”.
“What is it?”
“I think… I think that we maybe should take a break from each other”.
The silence continues for a moment before Niall understands what Amy is talking about.

“What? Are you really… Are you breaking up with me, Amy?”
Amy’s voice cracks a bit when she talks, and I can hear her quiet sobs through the door..
“Niall, I’m sorry, but I have to go, but I’ll see you in a couple of months when we get back for tour, right?”
“What? Amy…”
“Please Niall; don’t make it harder than it already is”.
“Amy, don’t do this to me! Don’t do this to us!”
“Bye Niall, remember that I love you”.

I step out from the shower and wrap a towel around my body. I quickly dry myself of before putting on the clothes I picked out yesterday.
Only in a couple of hours Harry will come, everything has to be perfect.
Harry will come.
A smile spreads over my face as I think about how I missed him. It’s almost been a month since I last saw him, and I can’t wait until I do.

It’s quite funny, I’ve always felt pity for the girls who never see their boyfriends, and I’ve always wondered why they don’t break up with them. But now I get it. I mean, I love Harry. And there are not many things that will beat seeing him again.

The steam comes out from the bathroom as I open the door to the bathroom and walk out.
Lauren sits on her bed when I come in to the room, and I smile at her.
“Are you ready?” She asks.
“For Harry? Yup”, I answer, and she smirks.
I plug in the hairdryer and dry my hair, before going to the mirror to fix it.
“You should curl it”, Dani says as she walks into the room.
“Huh?” I say, thinking about it. I haven’t curled my hair in a long time, but I guess it’s a good time now.
Lauren and Dani are already done. Dani is on her phone while Lauren watches TV.

I glance at my laptop, before opening it. I go on skype and smile when I see that Harry’s online.
He picks up after the first call.
“Hi babe!” I say when he’s face appears on the screen. He smiles big.
“Hey love!”
A another face comes into view.
“Hi Zayn!” I exclaim. “Do you want me to get Kath?”
Zayn shakes his head and motions at the iphone 5 in his hand. “It’s okay; I’m already skyping with her”.

I look at their surrounding. “Are you on the plane?”
Harry nods. “Yup, it’s only one hour left though, I’ll see you soon!”
A big smile is plastered on my face. “Great, because I miss you like crazy”.


I ship this. I ship that. I ship them.


Okej jag är sjukt trött omg

(Ny video från Lauren)


"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

25 feb, 2014 17:33




I love it, HISA OMG VAD SÖTA 8}
Gillade också videon, dessa bloopers i slutet var roligast haha xp


25 feb, 2014 18:05



Love it♥ AWESOME kapitel!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fencrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com%2Fimages%3Fq%3Dtbn%3AANd9GcTWjlLJasjBhJ5ZcJEgQwKjRRBcYj0JIPtPDVyOLLHrtj3pubP1dA Läs Järna min ff Mån barnet http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=35314&page=5#p2336622

25 feb, 2014 19:55

Fairy Tale



Nu hoppas jag flr din skull Niall, att du kommer som en surprise till Amy, och allting blir perfekt igen, innan jag åker till dig (var du än är) och ger dig en rejäl käftsmäll :c och JA jag kan transferera mig :c

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_ma1q25sQX31qkx3d4o6_250.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F35592635%2Flarge.gif

25 feb, 2014 22:23




Fairy Tale - Precis vad jag skulle säga.

26 feb, 2014 10:45




Chapter 36 part 1

1 PM (11 hours till midnight)

Amy’s POV

With a quick glance in the mirror, I finally feel pleased with my appearance.
My hair is straightened, and I have a dark-purple bow in it. The bow matches belt I’m having, plus the heels I put on in the last second. Yesterday I was out and bought a beautiful light-blue dress in a silky fabric that is as light as air. Lisa helped me get my nails done. She picked out a glittery nail-polish, even though I said I didn’t want anything un-usual. Typical Lisa; go big or go home.

A new tweet pops up on the screen to my laptop, and I click on it.

@LisaCim: Finally get to see my baby!!! Miss youuuuu

I snort and click down twitter. Not needing that, thank you.

I hear the cab pull up on the drive-way, and the minute I’ve feared for days is here.
Screams echoes through the house, and I walk into the hallway just in time to see Lisa and Katherine sprint down the stairs.
They don’t care that the boys aren’t at the door yet; instead they swing the door open and run out.
I follow them, and I see two heads snap up when they hear the noise.
Harry gasps when he sees Lisa, and runs up to her. He takes her in his arms and hugs her for a long time, before finally breaking apart and planting his lips on hers.
Zayn and Katherine isn’t that much better. Katherine runs up to Zayn and hops into his arms, and he spins her around. Then he lets her go and just hugs her tight.

After a couple of minutes, a cough comes from behind me. Dad, of course.
The two couples break apart. Zayn and Harry looks up to us that stand in the doorway, and they quickly walk up to us. I fake a smile as Harry wraps his arms around me, hugging me. When we break apart I turn to Zayn. He hugs me too, and lifts me up a little, so my mouth is right where his ear is.
“How is he?”
The whisper is so quiet that nobody but Zayn hears it, and he mumbles into my hair.
“He’s broken; we can’t get him to stop crying”.
I let go of him and looks him in his eyes. He nods his head, and I feel the tears burn behind my eyelids.
I try to swallow the big lump a have in my throat. Then I excuse myself for a second and walk into the bathroom. My gaze lands on the razor as fast as I close the door behind me, and I bite my lip.
I take a deep breath.
I can’t do this.
No. I’ll be strong, for Niall.
For Niall, I won’t do it.
Quickly I wipe away the tears that have rolled down my cheeks and wash my hands.
Then I walk out to the others again, and act like I’m too, super happy to see Zayn and Harry.

7 PM (5 hours till midnight)

Lisa’s POV

Harry puts down his fork and wipes his mouth with his white napkin.
“This food was amazing, Mrs Cimorelli”, he says politely to mom, and she smiles.
“Thank you Harry, but I’ve said you can call me Lynne”.
Harry smiles to her and then glances at me. I raise my eyebrow a bit, and he just smirks and squeezes my hand under the table.
Amy sits in front of us, and I meet her gaze for a moment. Under the smile that is plastered on her face, I can see her sadness in her eyes again.
“So, Zayn and Harry, I have a question for you”, dad asks, and the boys looks up. My head tilts up and I glare at dad. I told him that he shouldn’t ask any weird questions, but I guess he have already forgotten.
Zayn glances at Katherine, and I can see a little bit of fear in his eyes.
“Um, okay?” He says nervously.
“What do all of your tattoos mean?” Dad asks, looking at their arm that is covered with ink.
Harry laughs a little, and I feel my muscles relax again. “Honestly, I only have a story for half of them”, Harry jokes, and Zayn grins.
Nick, who sits on the other side of Harry, pokes on one of his tattoos. “Can you tell us about the ones that you know, then?”

Harry looks at me and I nod excitedly. I’ve never heard the story about his tats.
“Well”, Harry begins and rolls up his sleeve. He shows a tattoo of a star on his upper arm. “This was the first tat I got; it’s a star with five corners. Every corner represents one guy in One Direction”.

Lauren looks interested at the tattoo. “Isn’t that like the one Liam has?”
Zayn nods. “A bit, yeah, but he has four arrows going in one direction, every one representing us boys, his four best friends”.

Dani wipes her eyes and pretends to sob. “Oh, it’s so beautiful and has a lot of meaning behind it. I’m going to cry”, she jokes, and Zayn roll his eyes.
“By the way, aren’t the others coming too?” mom asks, glancing at the watch placed in the kitchen. “I thought I said you could invite all of them”.
Amy looks down at her plate, but doesn’t say anything, so I hop in.
“Well, Liam and Louis are coming tomorrow; they are celebrating New Years at home”.
Mom looks at Amy. “What about Niall?”
No one says anything. The good feeling in the room is gone in a matter of second, and is replaced with a cold vibe. Amy keeps her mouth shut and doesn’t meet anyones gaze.
“He… he couldn’t make it”, Harry says simply.


"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

26 feb, 2014 12:16

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