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If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)

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Amazing 8} yay Namy och Hisa snart 83


22 feb, 2014 09:26




Chapter 33 part 2

Katherine’s POV…

I run up the staircase, up to my, Amy’s and Christina’s room. Tears are threatening to fall any second, and I take deep breaths to keep myself from screaming out loud in anger. Why is Lisa such an idiot sometimes? And why can’t she just stay out of other peoples business?
My phone buzzes, and I pick it up from my pocket as I walk down the corridor.

Zayn♥: I miss u. Skype?

When I get into the room, I let my eyes travel over my things. I see my laptop, and take it up. I sit down at my bed and start the computer.
Soon, I click on the skype icon and log in. I see that Zayn is online, but before I’ve pressed the call-button, he calls me.
I wipe the tears from my face and take a deep breath, before accepting it.
“Hi Zayn”, I say, and try to sound cheerful and happy to see him.
Of course, he doesn’t bye it.
“Babe, what’ve happened? What’s wrong?”

Zayn’s POV…

I press the call button as fast as I see that Katherine’s online.
After a few seconds, her beautiful face comes on my screen, and a smile spread across my face.
Well, at least until I see the marks of tears on her cheeks, and her puffy, watery eyes.
She just cried.
“Hi Zayn”, She says shakily, and tries to fake a smile.
My smile fades and I look worried at her.
“Babe, what’ve happened? What’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing, nothing’s wrong”, She says with a really high-pitched voice. “Everything is fine. Great, actually, everything’s great. Not because you’re not here, of course, I miss you very much, but other than that everything-“

I hold up my hand to quiet her. “Kath, honey, you’re a terrible liar. Plus you begin to talk really fast when you’re nervous”.

Katherine sighs, and I keep my eyes on hers.
“Well, Lisa and I had a fight…” She begins.
“What did you fight about?” I ask her, and she shrugs a little.
“About you. About us”.
My eyebrows furrow and I shake my head a little in confusion. “But, why?”
“Well, she said that we weren’t official, and I said that we were, and then she said that we were only flirting, that it wasn’t something serious, and then-“
“Katherine, take it slow. Okay babe?” I say to her, and she takes a deep breath.
“And then she said ‘Have you even kissed him’ and with that she kind of won that fight”.
“Why did she win the fight?”
Katherine and looks up and meets my eyes, surprised. “Because she’s right, we haven’t kissed”.
I chew a little at my lip, and looks at Katherine while she wipe away her tears.
“She is right about another thing, though”.
Katherine stops in mid-track and her face drops.
“Oh, I totally understand, Zayn, I get it. I’m sorry; I just thought that you… felt the same way as me. I’ll just go now, its okay-“

“No!” I exclaim, suddenly a bit scared that she’ll leave. “Don’t go! I didn’t mean it like that!”
Katherine looks at me seriously. Her voice is quite cold, and her eyes narrows when she says: “Alright, but what did you mean, then?”
Okay, I have to get this right. I can’t mess this up this time. Not again.

I haven’t felt this way about someone since Perrie left me. I still remember the sound when the ring she wore on her finger hit the cold, hard floor, and the sound of the door closing behind her when she left.
I can’t screw this up. Not again.

“Lisa was right about another thing”, I explain again.
Katherine raises her eyebrow, urging me to go on.
I smile a little when I look at her beautiful face, and into her eyes. “Katherine, will you be my girlfriend?”




"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

22 feb, 2014 20:04

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2014-02-22 kl. 21:12
Antal ändringar: 1



AWESOME kapitel ♥♥

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fencrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com%2Fimages%3Fq%3Dtbn%3AANd9GcTWjlLJasjBhJ5ZcJEgQwKjRRBcYj0JIPtPDVyOLLHrtj3pubP1dA Läs Järna min ff Mån barnet http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=35314&page=5#p2336622

22 feb, 2014 20:30




22 feb, 2014 20:41




Åh du skriver så fint och sött, längtar efter mer 83


22 feb, 2014 21:23

Fairy Tale



Nu tycker jag att vi firar sportlovet med ett till kapitel! Allvarligt JAG MÅSTE HA MER! Jag kommer avlida annars. Så give me moooooooorrrrreeeee

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_ma1q25sQX31qkx3d4o6_250.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F35592635%2Flarge.gif

22 feb, 2014 21:35

Ariana Potter




https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fovkrtb4 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fntpkxuj https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fpjwh669 https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fn9czvun

23 feb, 2014 10:10





Fun fact: Katherine skriver ju dikter, och hon har en blogg där hon lägger ut en del av hennes dikter! www.kathcim.blogspot.com

Jag tycker att hon är jätteduktig, och jag ska lägga ut några av mina favoriter!


I will not be the one
To follow you around, waiting;
Which is why
I left the party early
Marching into the winter night like a soldier,
Head held high, heart sinking.


A girl sat alone
On a hill
On a cold, autumn night
Her face was wet with the tears of
A thousand and one long, lonely nights

No one came,
No one called,
No one cared

And yet- everything was alright
For she wrapped her hands around her knees
And faced herself in the reflection of the stars
She consoled herself,
Pressing her hands to her chest
And feeling her h
eart beat steadily
Three words rang out
Through her tears
through her chest


I am alive.

To The Critics

I am not beautiful
With the black, dramatic slashes
Of perfectly applied
Liquid cat eyes
Or the long, false lashes
Fluttering in the wind of a
Perfectly placed fan
Blowing styled hair back,
Hair-sprayed hard
Like a cold, plastic mannequin

I am beautiful in freckles.
I am beautiful with dark circles uncovered
Eyelashes bare
And my soul open as
The highway to my hometown
I am beautiful when my grandmother hugs me
When I listen to her talk of the old days,
And we both laugh at how
Some things never change
I am beautiful when I
Run through the vineyards,
Hair tangled,
Sun shining on my smiling face,
My heart full

I am not beautiful
Starved, pinned up, sprayed back, repressed.
I am not beautiful
Bearing the weight of the
World's ugly expectations

And I don't need you
With your harsh commentaries
And your judgmental words

I see no beauty
In the ugly things you say
Or the empty way you look at me

I am beautiful.
You are beautiful.
We are beautiful.

And nothing can change that.


PS. Jag kanske postar ett nytt kapitel idag!


"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

23 feb, 2014 12:01



Awesome dikter ju :o

23 feb, 2014 12:09



Åh tack för videon den var intressant, och dikterna var btw awsome ♥ längtar efter mer 83


23 feb, 2014 16:13

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