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Mending Hatred (Dramione)

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Avis Fortunae

Tryck här för att visa!Älskar att du vill läsa detta, även om det är något helt annat än det vi alltid diskuterar… Men du har väl förstått min förälskelse i Dramione efter den här helgen…

Jag tror att mina mer reviderade kapitel kommer att likna ”min stil” mer. ^^

Hmm, ja jag tror att de kan och måste tvinga vård till en patient som är i så illa skick…

Mirre hade inte behövt uppsöka någon annan vård än Snapes vid sinnesvidgande trolldrycker.

Roligt att du gillar omväxlingen! Det gör jag med!!! Försöker bygga upp till anledningen, också…

HIHIH. Hoppas du gillar fortsättningen!


Tryck här för att visa!Självklart har du rätt. Vad klyschigt av mig! HIHI men hon måste ju gör entré någon gång!

ÅH tack för det! Att du älskar dynamiken! Har fått riktigt nasty reviews på ff.net över att det inte är karaktäristiskt…

OMG, tack! Jag älskar också att läsa sånt som är completed… Tyvärr… Men hoppas du kommer älska den ändå. ♥ ♥ och bara det peppar mig sååå mycket!

Vad roligt att det är en uppbyggning! Försöker verkligen få det att bli mer och mer så!


Tryck här för att visa!ÅH! TACK! Vad roligt att det funkar bättre såhär, efter kriget! Kan också känna att det blir svårt under hogwartsåren… tacktacktack. ♥

Så roligt att det går bra att läsa! Säg till om du hänger upp dig på något så ska jag försöka förbättra det eller förklara!

Åååh, jag tar min tid - men samtidigt älskar jag att skriva på det här. ♥

♥ ♥ ♥

Tack till er alla! Nu kommer nästa kapitel och min syster har börjat läsa och är i extas så hon har sporrat mig lite extra. c:

Chapter 4.

Draco had completely forgot to owl his mother for lunch. But to his surprise, or not, Narcissa Malfoy stood in the lobby of St. Mungo’s as he headed out to eat. There was something ethereal over her, standing there in high heels meant for someone younger, a black coat and long flowing robes. She watched her son with a smile as he approached her. Draco really wasn’t sure if this was his workplace or some gettogether for the Malfoy family.
“My dear”, Narcissa said and hugged her son tightly, “thought you could avoid lunch with your mother, now did you?”
“I was going to owl you, mother. Things came up, changes in my schedule.”
Draco had a hand on his mother elbow as he escorted her out of the hospital building and started to walk them down the street. St. Mungo’s was located in the muggle parts of London so Draco often ate his lunch at a café down the street. He had become accustomed to it during his years of high-end therapy. And it was nice to avoid the wizarding population who knew more than well exactly who he was. His white hair could fool no one. And his father had told him to wear it with pride. Easy thing, Draco scoffed under his breath, when his father had ruined just that. Narcissa seemed to have notice the tightness in Draco, and knew her son to easily be consumed by thoughts, and squeezed his hand to bring him back.

“Let’s enjoy lunch, Draco. Before your father decides to do something even more foolish than run for minister.”

“Could he?” Draco asked, not quite knowing what he was asking. Run for minister successfully? Or manage to do something more foolish than that.

Narcissa had a smirk on her lips, as if she was thinking the same thing as her son. “I’d rather not find out, dear.”

And so, they kept their lunch talking about other things. Narcissa had a few events planned, and some high-end society dinners to attend, and asked Draco to be her date as Lucius would be “far too busy to waste his time on utter nonsense.” And Draco didn’t know whether to laugh at the fact that his mother did, despite what the daily prophet reported, find it to be nonsense or that Lucius would ever be too busy to escort his wife to a dinner.

“And Draco, dear, how is your love-life? Anyone special?” Narcissa managed to squeeze in just as Draco had propped his cutlery correctly after finishing his meal. Draco looked up at the woman, carefully sipping her fizzy water, and found a gleam in her eyes.

“After that flop with the Greengrass girl, I haven’t quite looked. And you do know that I keep myself busy –“, Draco started but was cut short by his mother.

“She stole your lamp, didn’t she? That little witch.” Narcissa snorted, the lamp had been a present to Draco from the woman in front of him.

“Yes she did –“ and yet again cut short by Narcissa’s everchanging manners. She did this quite a lot when they weren’t in wizarding public.

“How is your project going? With Mr Rabidus?” She asked and Draco silently thanked her as he dove into telling her about his favourite patient, Clark. It took up much of his time at St Mungo’s and plenty of his spare-time researching. Narcissa knew a fair deal already and had invested huge sums of galleons towards his treatment when the hospital wanted to discontinue it. But Clark had been fed an insanity-potion during the war and hadn’t gotten the antidote in time. Thus being admitted to the hospital, not being outside of the potions department in nearly six years. Draco had furiously taken on the battle plenty of times but had always been dismissed. Too dangerous. But he was close now. Too close to even try and shred his own hopes for the man.

It had nearly been an hour, but not quite, when Draco headed back into room number four. He was concerned. Hermione Granger hated him for justifiable reasons and he couldn’t criticize her. What truly concerned him: That he would fail to be a professional if she couldn’t or wouldn’t cooperate. So far, so good, though. Maybe his emotions were getting the better of him. He did feel silly for it. And he surely had to schedule a meeting with his therapist.

He shoved the door open with his shoulder with clipboard in his hands. Draco wasn’t sure if he was a bit mad that Miss Granger was so reluctant to his care or the fact that he had never been fond of her, or rather, that she was taking up his “free” time.

“Are you feeling any better, miss?” He asked as she sat up.

“Yes, yes. Very. Will I be able to go home today?” She asked and frowned so that her petite little nose wrinkled in disdain.

“I’m afraid not. It’s an improvement that you are feeling better, but I’m sad to inform you that there will be side-effects. I’ll have to stay at St Mungo’s tonight to see to your needs and medical care. The other healers aren’t quite as adept,” he said and instantly regretted the last words. But it was true, they were old and had their old ways of doing things.

Hermione raised an eyebrow questioningly at him. “For Merlin’s sake, Granger. I’m trying to do my job. We’re not fourteen anymore so please stop glaring at me like we are.”

“I can’t help it,” she admitted but added, with a nasty undertone; “you seem different to the Malfoy I had the unfortunate luck to share my years at Hogwarts with.”

“I grew up,” Draco replied and flipped pages on the clipboard. He added a few lines on the concern of her health and searched the paper for potions the nurse might have giver her.


He set to work on the blood samples he needed. “We’re going to do some tests so I’ll need to withdraw some blood into these vials,” he said and nodded at the instruments and vial on the silvertray. “Please pull the sleeve on your left arm up.”

“Are you serious, my left arm? Are you trying to mock me?” She questioned harshly. “Somethings never stop.”

“It’s the closest to the heart, I’m afraid, why are you being so hostile?” But she didn’t have to answer when he closed up for tests. Her left arm visible after the sleeve being pulled up. He didn’t notice at first as he searched her arm for a good vein to apply the needle to.

“Oh,” his movement had stopped and he was staring down onto her arm, the word ‘mudblood’ carved into her arm. “I’m sorry about that.”

“It wasn’t you who carved it into me.”

“I called you that slur many years ago, so I’m sorry.” She glared at him but looked away as he inserted the needle. A minute later he declared it done. He soared his wand over the arm and it stopped bleeding on command.

“Is it done?” she whispered.

“Yes.” He said but kept his wand up, gracefully tracing it over her body as blue lights flickered. There was no damage on her body, at least. But he couldn’t be sure… So in a weak moment he stopped and she looked up inquisitively.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Could I ask you to remove your clothing? I need to examine further.” He said lowly and was met with a glare. “I can step outside. Or ask a nurse to do it, but they aren’t adept enough to be trusted to do it correctly.”

“No, no. It’s okay. You’ll see me just the same anyway.” Probably not he thought but kept his mouth shut. Moments later, after Draco had looked away to let her undress as privately as was possible, she lay down on her back again in a darkened room while Draco slowly started hovering his wand up her body. He examined what he saw through the blue lights. Nothing had happened to her, except for the now dying infections and inflammations that had been caused by some sort of potion. A potion he was unsure he knew of. The exam showed that her body was doing fine, for now. He tossed the lime-green hospital blanket over her before turning up the lights.

“I’m going to the laboratories with your tests, miss Granger. If you need anything the nurses are just a few steps away.”

She peeped, forcing her blankets up to her neck, and Draco cast a concerned look her way. “Yes?”

“You were right… My cat… He has to eat. I completely forgot about it…”

“Yes?” Draco were unsure what she tried to say.

“Could you maybe, if you don’t mind, get me an owl or something so I can owl Ginny?” Hermione finally said, quite unhappy about the situation where she had to ask for things from her school bully.

“The owls are not allowed in the department, I’m afraid.”

“Oh.” She frowned.

“I could apparate there now and do it, if you’d allow me?” He really shouldn’t, it was unprofessional but he felt as if he had to mend something. And he had to get started in the laboratory.

“You don’t know where I live.”

“I have your address right here in the journal, you know.”

“Oh,” she frowned again.

“If it feels strange I can arrange a nurse to help you owl your friend”, he assured her.

“I would prefer that,” she responded offensively.

“It will take some time, though,” he said.

“Can you?” she asked reluctantly.

“Of course.”

“Th-thank you.”

“Not a problem. I will see you later.”

“The keys…” he looked back at her from the door, put the clipboard on the wall, and raised an eyebrow.

“They’re under the plant in the corner.” Draco smirked at her, nodded his head and exited.

He had some other patients to attend but as soon as he had a gap he took off his robes and went to the elevators, heading down to the floo-system. Panic in his chest as he muttered the address and disappeared into the green flames.

It was an apartment building in Diagon Alley. Quite a nice one too. It had its perks to be Hermione Granger, he assumed as he strolled into the building. Ignoring all the curious eyes and spiteful glares people shot his whitehaired way. Maybe it was a perk she had gotten from working at the ministry. He would’ve thought she would live in the muggle world, surely close to her parents, but pushed his thoughts away. Why would she? She was the brightest witch their age. A witch! So why would she live amongst muggles. He climbed a flight of stairs and rounded a corner with several doors and heard a thud from one of them. In the far-corner was a plant in a pot. So obvious he couldn’t help to roll his eyes. But maybe there was a notice-me-not charm on it? Only noticeable to someone who knew what to look for. He hoped she was that bright as he snatched the keys from under them and went to the thudding door. As he slipped inside he was met with a cluttered home and a cat-kneazle he remembered from school. An ugly, orange, thing. It leapt from the floor into his arms and started purring as he managed to find his footing. It looked into his face with its ugly face, eyes barely visible under furry… Eyebrows? Yes. It looked like eyebrows. He patted it on the head and tried to let it down but it wouldn’t let go. Clawing at this chest to stay there. He chuckled and sighed as he walked over to the kitchen where he saw an empty bowl. In the closest cupboard he found its food and wondered what good a magic pet would do if it couldn’t feed itself. The bowl was soon filled to the brim and the cat finally let go of him to eat and continued its purring. He was about to leave again, not wanting to push her privacy when he saw photos of her and Harry on the wall. He searched the room for more and found ones with Harry, Ginny and Hermione. None of Ron. What had Weasel gone and done to deserve that? On the table by the sofa was a bunch of books in a pile and next to it yesterdays ‘The Daily Prophet’. Sure, the apartment was cluttered, mostly by books, but it was neat and structured clutter. It looked homey. He wished he loved his home as much.

As Draco returned to the department at the hospital and tried to find Granger again, she was gone. He looked around for a bit and found her in the common room where several residents enjoyed their afternoon together. She was talking to one of his patients and seemed to have a rather intense conversation so he left them to it. The nurses would provide anything needed this late in the day, and Draco had his laboratory to attend, so he left the woman there, her fixed curls trying to escape into their former state. She was beautiful and despised him. But he did know one thing. She thought of him as another man now, didn’t she? He smiled at the view and changed the direction of his feet. Preparing for a night in his lab.

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F26a33f1fa7e0716925d3ab75037f4105%2Ftumblr_pwownpSxMz1qeha15o2_250.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2F927c84ab000498a09ed8c5c9547c49fc%2F201698b7bdf4af1f-99%2Fs400x600%2F57008a1793357efdd00509f8e9c234eeecaf7281.jpg

14 jul, 2020 18:03

Avis Fortunae



Ja, jag börjar känna igen din stil alltmer. Det var kanske bara att jag behövde vänja mig vid att läsa på engelska? Sedan gillar jag ju hela konceptet med en man som är skicklig på omvårdnad och det blir extra spännande med en så eldig personlighet som Hermione är i den här berättelsen. Precis som 96hpevanescence också skrev, en eldig gryffindor och en sval slytherin. Om någon skulle ha åsikter om att det inte är karaktäristiskt så är det väl mer en smaksak. Jag ser det som att de har sina karaktärer men att vissa specifika drag har lyfts fram.

Narcissa i början av kapitlet... SÅ bra beskriven. Både hur hon talar, för sig och är klädd. Så Lucius är ofta upptagen? Undrar hur det är mellan dem egentligen.

Jag får en känsla av att det här projektet Draco arbetar med kommer att ha betydelse i storyns fortsättning. Vi får se!

Draco går i terapi. Han har sannerligen mognat. Och nu verkar mötet med Hermione ha rört upp känslor inom honom som gör att han måste boka en ny tid. Men vad bra att Hermione börjar märka av hans förändring. Det är klart att hon gör det, så smart och analyserande som hon är. Det går helt i linje med karaktären. Wohoo undersökning i ett mörkt rum... men det utförs väldigt proffsigt och det känns helt rätt att det inte hettar till ännu.

Däremot att han ska mata katten - här börjar det verkligen kännas som vänskap, långt utöver det professionella. Och det lockar till skratt när Krumben kastar sig på honom och i princip tvångsgosar. Med sina ögonbryn

Det här att Hermione har ordet MUDBLOOD ingraverat. Jag minns något vagt från boken men är inte säker. Precis som med ärren. Hur kan jag ha glömt så mycket av vad som hänt stackars Hermione?♥ Tur att jag snart ska läsa om sjunde boken inför min research.

Det känns som om Dramione redan är på väg att bli vänner. Du skulle väl aldrig låta en ovän mata din katt?

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

15 jul, 2020 12:56




Åhhh men vad kul att Hermione nästan känner sig trygg med att Draco matar hennes katt ♥
Jag hade då aldrig litat på min grundskole-nemesis att mata mina katter! Men det kanske ådror på att jag inte gått ut grundskolan heheh...

Men Narcissus är perfekt

”Greengrass” stal en lampa, vilken otrevlig typ. Jag gillar mina lampor och skulle inte vilja att de skulle bli stulna! Så att Draco och ”Greengrass” (Astoria?) bröt upp var väll förklarligt! (Sen kanske det inte bara beror på lampan meeeen det var roligt att tänka så)

Och så Hermione. Du skriver henne så bra! Det är inte samma besserwisser vi ser i de första hp böckerna men det är inte samma som i de senare heller. Du har skapat en egen Hermione och jag älskar henne!

18 jul, 2020 00:45



Tycker de på ff.net är dumma i sådana fall Dynamiken är annorlunda om man jämför med andra fanfics, men man vill ju inte vara som alla andra hela tiden. Och jag gillar detta. Jag gillar att det är Draco som är den rationella och som har känslor, och att Hermione är den som har fördomarna. Det blir annorlunda och man behöver lite nytänk ibland!

Tryck här för att visa!Du vet ju att jag är en sucker för angsty sexy drama as well och Ä L S K A R när hatet är ömsesidigt hos båda, men som sagt så är variation en bra grej med!

Alltså åh vad jag älskar Narcissa i början ♥ I fanfics är hon nästan alltid en favorit för mig, så hon matchar flera andra Narcissas jag mött i mina andra Dramione-fics. Så I love her, well done!

Och jag tyckte jättemycket om när Draco åkte hem till Hermione och din beskrivning av hennes lägenhet!

"It was an apartment building in Diagon Alley. Quite a nice one too. It had its perks to be Hermione Granger, he assumed as he strolled into the building."

"In the far-corner was a plant in a pot. So obvious he couldn’t help to roll his eyes."

"As he slipped inside he was met with a cluttered home and a cat-kneazle he remembered from school. An ugly, orange, thing."

Älskade dessa utdrag extra mycket, speciellt eftersom jag läser det med vad jag föreställer mig Dracos cynism

Längtar till nästa del!! ♥


https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2F85a78ed8327f6a44d748de87a06aefe3%2Ftumblr_np1kvpId1G1tek6yeo1_500.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fi.gifer.com%2FUjvo.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FZc3n9KzTnhgoE%2Fgiphy.gif

24 jul, 2020 22:15



Jag älskar allt du skriver hjärtat, även om jag inte förstår hälften ♥

Läs gärna min ff:n om Draco <3 Läser gärna din som gengäld, och för att jag älskar att läsa! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51873

18 aug, 2020 21:59

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