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Into the Void (PRS med Shrek)

Forum > Quidditchplanen > Rollspel > Into the Void (PRS med Shrek)

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Emme Lestrange


Odin: Odin looked out of the window as he peeled potatoes with Loki's knife.

Robert: The man who now seemed to be quite angry did not have a sense for fashion at all. Armour and a jack-mantel-thing was so 2001. "I need this" Robert said when he saw the paper in the man's hand. Roberts hands was very dirty and he had an urge to shake the stranger's hand.

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30 dec, 2014 22:58



Loki leapt up as the dirty creature who must be a human reached for his hand to shake it. He was not going to do that, and frankly, he wanted to get away from the person since Loki was clearly superior to him. "Kneel," Loki said and looked at the man irritably. At least he might start this new journey with one follower. Hopefully this follower might not follow him that closely, as he had a rather too sensual stare for Loki's taste.

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30 dec, 2014 23:04

Emme Lestrange


The stranger did not reach for Roberts hand which was not very polite. But that was okay, Robert is a forgiving person. "I'm sure that you at least thought about shaking my hand, and it's the thought that matters" Robert said, smiling. And the love that exist. Suddenly Robert realised that he had not introduced himself. "My name is Robert, and what is yours if I may ask?" he said as sensual as possible.

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30 dec, 2014 23:13



"My name?" Loki asked, obviously offended. How could this peasant possibly not know who he was? "Listen here, sensual Robert, you may call me 'king', or nothing at all. Seeing as you are not aware of what my name is; may I ask, just out of curiosity, if you happen to know who Odin is?" he asked, thinking that he might actually enjoy being in a realm where the Allfather was not worshiped. However if this entire realm only contained subjects such as this Robert, he would have to summon the reindeer sled and get himself and his L'Oreal hair out of there quickly.

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30 dec, 2014 23:27

Emme Lestrange


The nothing at all seemed very offended. Robert now had a problem, should he say yes or no? He did know who Odin was, but 'nothing at all' would most likely be very angry if Robert had the wrong answer. Then he realised. "YOU'RE ODIN, oh my! I've heard so many stories about you, you seem like the coolest guy ever! I adore you" Robert said, praising Odin as much as possible. But it was strange, because this guy had two eyes and didn't seem that old. And now maybe-not-odin's face turned red.

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30 dec, 2014 23:34



Whatever Odin was doing with his dagger, Loki wished for it to appear before him so that he might be able to rid the realm of Robert. "I am- not," he couldn't even bring himself to finish the sentence, it was that frustrating.

But then, Loki had an idea. If he was already banished from Asgard, surely he should be able to cause some mischief. Not much, perhaps a war or two. In the blink of an eye, he transformed into the Allfather. "That is correct. Follow Odin," he ordered Robert as he set out toward civilisation.

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30 dec, 2014 23:44

Emme Lestrange


Odin: When Odin finally was finished with peeling potatoes, he threw away the dagger. Because it was not a good dagger.

Robert: This seemed very suspicious. Robert raised an eyebrow, sensually of course, and looked at Loki. "But you said you're not- Okay, blast it, I'll follow you."

Maybe-Odin started walking towards a city which was located only 10 meters to the left. A long walk for Robert. He thought about telling Maybe-Odin about Vild-Hasse, the man who guarded the city, but he just felt like "nah" and stayed quiet.

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31 dec, 2014 17:56



The city wasn't that far away, but Robert seemed particularly tired from the journey there. Hence, he demanded to have a rest on the pavement. Loki contemplated leaving him behind, but he might need Robert in order to gain more followers (@lokigetzallofdabitches).

When Robert sat there, he started stroking the stones next to him, as if to invite Loki to sit down next to him. He was not going to do that, so he settled on poking Robert with his foot in order to get him moving again.

Although nothing seemed to go smoothly today whatsoever. From the distance, Loki heard an angry shout and wheeled around and saw a homeless guy in a wheelchair. Said man was actually rolling himself toward them in a rather angry manner. Could he be a possible follower as well?

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31 dec, 2014 18:32

Emme Lestrange


Robert sat down on the pavement and wanted maybe-Odin to sit next to him, but maybe-Odin just poked him and mumbled something about "Get up before I strangle you". Robert did not want any trouble and got up. That was when he heard the angry yet famous shout from the guardian of the city; Vild-Hasse.

"Oh, hi Robert! What are you doing here, I told you that you're no real man and therefore you shall not enter this city" Vild-Hasse said, coughing and holding on to his beer bottle. Robert carefully looked att maybe-Odin and tried to imagine what he was thinking about, but there was nothing.

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31 dec, 2014 22:24



This wheelchair man seemed to be the guardian of the city, and if Loki could make him a follower, maybe that would be another step toward taking over the entire city?

"I am Odin, of Asgard. I am a dick, I hate this city, I despise people with disabilities, and I might have banished my vengeance-seeking son into you realm - do you want to be my friend?" he asked and offered his hand to the man.

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1 jan, 2015 12:49

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