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If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)

Forum > Fanfiction > Andra fandoms > If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)

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Skrivet av Mixy:
Skrivet av Borttagen:
Gud, ligger 5 kapitel efter!!! Sluta skriv Dx
Nää, skriv så mycket du orkar ändå!!

Haha, ta det lugnt! Läs i den takten som du läser så blir det bra

♥ ^^

23 jan, 2014 19:47




23 jan, 2014 19:50



AWESOOOM!!! kapitel ♥♥

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Fencrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com%2Fimages%3Fq%3Dtbn%3AANd9GcTWjlLJasjBhJ5ZcJEgQwKjRRBcYj0JIPtPDVyOLLHrtj3pubP1dA Läs Järna min ff Mån barnet http://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=35314&page=5#p2336622

23 jan, 2014 20:04




23 jan, 2014 20:34

Fairy Tale


Förlåååt att jag rättar men: när det är fler människor som har något så är det typ: istället för:
it's the bear's honey-då är det Björnens honung, alltså en björns honung.
It's the bears' honey-då är det Björnarnas honung, alltså flera björnars honung.
Detta är bara ett exempel, men annars är det skitamegasuperduperbra! Jag vill verkligen inte irritera dig så säg till..

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_ma1q25sQX31qkx3d4o6_250.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F35592635%2Flarge.gif

23 jan, 2014 20:42



Fairy Tale Okej, tack!

Haha, du irriterar mig inte alls! Jag tycker att det är bra att du kommenterar om du hittar något fel. Sedan kan det såklart vara slarvfel, jag vet inte haha

"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

23 jan, 2014 20:47

Fairy Tale


Skrivet av Mixy:
Fairy Tale Okej, tack!

Haha, du irriterar mig inte alls! Jag tycker att det är bra att du kommenterar om du hittar något fel. Sedan kan det såklart vara slarvfel, jag vet inte haha

Jag lärde mig det igår : P

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_ma1q25sQX31qkx3d4o6_250.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F35592635%2Flarge.gif

23 jan, 2014 20:49




Chapter 24 part 2

So the company on 14 people, plus a couple of body guards of course, goes to a restaurant in Germany. I sit between Amy and Mike, and I try to talk and be as nice as possible.
“So”, Lynne begins and smiles. “Except for Harry, are any of you boys in a relationship right now?”
Zayn and Liam shake their heads, while Louis explains that he have a girlfriend. Lynne turns to me with a raised eyebrow, and I turn bright red.
“Um… I’m not… No”, I stutter and look down at my plate, but suddenly I’m not hungry anymore.

Everybody except the youngest brother, Joey, stops eating and stares at me. The boys and the sisters try to not glance over at Amy, but it fails when Liam raises his eyebrow at me.

Michael sights. “Amy, do you have anything you would like to say?” He asks and looks at his daughter. She turns a dark shade of red, and I quickly turn away my head. Unfortunately I meet Mike’s eyes, and he stares at me.

I snap back to Amy as she starts to talk.
“Well… Yes. Niall and I are dating”.

“Amy…” Lynne sighs and massages her temple with her fingertips, like she got a really hard head-ache.

Suddenly Lauren bangs her fists to the table, making everybody stare at her. She just looks at me seriously, but I see a glimpse in her eye.
“Niall Horan, how could you ever date my older sister? I’m really disappointed at you son. I forbid you to ever see her again.”

Everybody laughs and I take up my hands in defence.
“I really sorry about dating your sister Lauren, but I can’t help it, she blows my mind!”

Amy smirks and gives in to our little theatre-performance.
“And I’m greatly sorry about falling for this Irish lad here, sister.” She says and turns to me. “But I can’t help it, he really is something special”.
I meet her eyes and for a moment, I forget that there are twelve other people except us around the table. “She really is incredible”.
Amy curves her mouth into a small smile. “I really love him”.
I imitate her smile, and take her hand in mine. “I love her even more”.

I hear a cough, and I snap out from the dialogue between me and Amy.
We both turn around to see everybody around the table stare at us.

Lynne looks at me, and then turns to Amy. “Just kiss him already”, she says and Amy giggles.
She turns to me. “Are you ready?” She asks, and I get confused at first. Ready for what, a kiss?
But then I realise that she’s meaning about coming out to the public, and I smile.
“I’ve been ready since day one”.
Amy lays her hands around my neck and presses her mouth to mine. I quickly put my hands on her waist and kiss her back. I hear the snapping of cameras, and people mumbling in the restaurant, but I try to not think about it.
When Amy pulls away I look around, only to see Lisa and Harry kissing, too.
Everybody laughs at them as they break apart.
Lisa shrugs. “We got a little inspiration, alright?”

PUH det gick ju bra!


"Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night"

24 jan, 2014 14:11

Fairy Tale


Namy moment ♥

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_ma1q25sQX31qkx3d4o6_250.gif https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.whicdn.com%2Fimages%2F35592635%2Flarge.gif

24 jan, 2014 15:39



Gaah just love it girl, love Namy ^^ write more, I'm starving 83


24 jan, 2014 21:00

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