If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)
Forum > Fanfiction > Andra fandoms > If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)
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Sry att jag nt kommenterat på flera kapitel men du ska veta att JAG ÄLSKAR DET ♥
Naww NAMY ♥ Blev lite rädd där när de bråkade, fast det ended up bra so I'm fine ^^ Gaah längtar efter mer girl its amazing ♥ ![]() 22 jan, 2014 21:16 |
Fairy Tale
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Skrivet av Mixy: Skrivet av Fairy Tale: Skrivet av Mixy: Fairy Tale YOU DON'T OWN ME, GOOD LORD lolz HEH du får ett nytt kapitel när du har läst min profil.... Haha --Stella♥ I wish i did ![]() oH NO YOU DON'T You wouldn't be able to handle all of this I promise you hun, you are better were you are ![]() HA! Har läst din profil ![]() ![]() ![]() 22 jan, 2014 21:22 |
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Fairy Tale Antar att jag måste posta då... suck
Jk I love you guys Chapter 23 (Omg 23? 23?!?!?! hur? HUR?!?!) A few weeks later… It’s been a while since the little fight and the make-up between me and Niall, and everything is fantastic. Basically everything Niall talks about is how he wants us to come out soon, and I agreed that it was time soon. “So, when is ‘soon’ exactly?” Niall asks me one day. I’m snuggled up to him while we’re just done watching a movie a few hours before the show in Germany. “I don’t know, soon?” I say and he chuckles. To his loud complaining, I get up from the bed and look through the movies we have. I gasp when I take a movie and show him excitedly. He chuckles at my choice. “Really love? Never Say Never?” I put the movie to my chest, hugging it. “Justin Drew Bieber is literally the cutes human being on earth, if you don’t count my little brothers. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, MARRY ME JUSTIN!” Okay, I may have a tiny crush on Justin Bieber. Guilty-pleasure-Beliver alert! Niall gives me a look, trying not to crack. “I thought I was the cutes person on earth, not counting your little brothers?” He says, pouting a little. Before I can say something he jumps out of the bed and runs up to me. “Oh my god, I love him so much, he’s amazing!” He exclaims, takes the movie from my hands and gives it a sloppy kiss. I brush out laughing at the sight of him. He soon follows me, and we laughs so much we end up rolling around on the floor. ROFL. You get it? Rolling On the Floor Laughing, ROFL. No? Okay. I put in the movie and snuggle up to Niall again. Soon, I start to belt out the lyrics to the songs. “LOVE ME LOVE ME SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME!” Niall quickly obey. “I love you Amy!” I blush and smile at him. “Not what I meant babe”. “You know, the correct answer to a statement like that is ‘I love you too Niall’”, he says and winks at me. “I love you too Niall”, I say in a baby-voice and roll my eyes, making him cheer. There is a knock on the door and I get up from the bed. Niall pause the movie. “Have Kath forgot the keys?” He asks me. I shrug and walk up to the door. I open the door and gasp when I see who it is. “Mom! Dad!” I yell. omg omg Her parents. Shit is about to go down Godnatt allaaaaaaa --Stella♥ "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 22 jan, 2014 21:26
Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2014-01-22 kl. 21:30
Fairy Tale
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22 jan, 2014 21:30 |
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So good
![]() 22 jan, 2014 21:31 |
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Awesome kapitel ♥
![]() 23 jan, 2014 12:23 |
Luna. Lovegood
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23 jan, 2014 14:21 |
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Nytt kapiteeeeeeeeeel yeaaaahh
Chapter 24 part 1 Niall’s POV… “Mom! Dad!” I hear Amy yell as she hugs the two people in front of her. When they break apart, Amy goes quiet, and takes a step back. “What are you doing here?” She asks and shows them into the room. She has completely forgotten about me, who sits paralyzed in her bed. It’s her parents. Her parents. What the heck?! The woman smiles at Amy. “We are here to visit; you all have been away for so long!” Amy gasps again. “Are the boys here too?” As an answer to her question, there is another knock on the door, and Amy runs up to it again. In stumble all of the girls, and five boys. The three youngest looks around 8-11 years old, and one of the others, I guess its Alex, looks around Amy’s age. The oldest, who must be Mike, is as I know the oldest of the kids in the whole family. All of the little kids run up to Amy and throws themselves into her open arms, and I can’t help but smile a little at the sight of the family reunion. Then Amy stands up and hugs the older brothers. The whole family talks at the same time, so it’s quite hard to hear what everybody are saying. I notice one if the little boys is looking at me. He doesn’t say anything for a while, but when he starts to talk everybody goes quiet and turns to him. “Who are you?” He asks and point at me. Everybody turns to me, and I feel my cheeks burn as I stand up from the bed. Like in a dream, I take a few steps forward, standing in front of the whole Cimorelli family. I look around, and thankfully Amy walks up to me, giving me a reassuring smile. She stands besides me and turns to her family, who looks suspiciously at us. “Mom, dad, this is Niall. He’s one of the boys from One Direction”. Her dad takes a step forward and takes his hand out. I do the same and shake it. “I’m Michael”, He says. “Hi, I’m Niall”, I answer him and smiles. Michael smiles back to me, and then take a step back. His wife meets my eyes. “I’m Lynne”, she says and takes out her hand, too. I nod, shake her hand and smile. I feel Amy relax besides me, and she glances at me. I raise one of my eyebrows, and give her a look that says “do they know?” She shakes her head a little, and then turns her attention back to the others. “This is Michael Jr, or Mike”, she says and points at the oldest brother. “That is Alex”, She continues. “And this is Christian, Nick and Joey”. “It’s really nice to meet all of you”, I say, but the words that comes out of my mouth doesn’t sound like my voice at all. Soon, I hear something out in the corridor. Or should I say someone. “Where the hell are all the others?” I close my eyes and pray silently that I’m wrong, but soon Louis and Zayn brushes through the door. Louis sees me and Amy and lights up into a big grin. “There you are!” Then he pecks his head out in the corridor again. “Liam, Harry! They’re all here!” I give Lisa a quick glance, and I see her go very pale. I realise that none of her family have meet Harry, and they actually know that they are dating. Louis walks into the room again and sees Zayn. Zayn has spotted the guests, and gives Louis a look that says “you are a completely idiot”. Louis swirls around on the spot and sees the girl’s family. He doesn’t loose his smile once, as he walks fast up to Michael and Lynne and shakes their hands very fast. “Hello, my name is Louis, it’s really nice to finally meet you!” I swear, this boy can talk his way out of any awkward situation. Then he takes a step back and points to Zayn. “This is Zayn, he thinks it’s really nice to finally meet you, too”. Zayn grins and waves at them. “We have heard a lot about you”, he says. Lynne smiles. “Are the others on their way? I really want to meet them”. Lisa meets my eyes and drags her finger over her neck, a gesture that says “I’m dead”. I grin and look down at the ground, trying to hide my smile. Then there is a new knock on the door, and Liam walks in followed by Harry. “Oh, hello, I’m Liam”, Liam says and smiles politely. Harry stops on the spot as he sees the family, and I’m sure that he would run out as fast as he could if Lisa wouldn’t have walked up to him. She takes his arm, and leads him slowly to the middle of the room, and at the same time she gives him a reassuring smile. “Hello, I’m Lynne. So you are the famous Harry?” Lynne asks and eyes Harry up and down before shaking his hand. For a second Harry doesn’t say anything, he just stands there, paralyzed. But soon he gets his famous smile on his lips and nods. “I’m Harry, yeah”. Michael takes out his hand too, and Harry shakes it. “I’m Michael”, He says shortly and Harry nods. He takes a step back, and Lisa opens her mouth. “Harry is… kind of my boyfriend”, she begins. None of her family looks surprised, but Harry has raised his eyebrow. “I’m only ’Kind of’ your boyfriend, huh?” He says, and Lisa shakes her head. “He’s my boyfriend, yeah, and I really care about him. So if none of you could… you know… kill him or something… I would be really thankful”. Her family nods and then doesn’t say anything for a while. Zayn looks around the room. “Is anyone hungry? How about we go out for dinner before the show?” Almost everybody agree, except two of the younger brothers, Christian and Nick, and Alex who ate on the plane. Dani says she isn’t hungry, and they all decide to stay in the hotel and watch TV. “Seriously though, Never Say Never?” Zayn whispers to me as we walk out of the room, and I roll my eyes. Imorgon är det fredaaaaag!!! --Stella♥ "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 23 jan, 2014 19:42 |
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Gud, ligger 5 kapitel efter!!! Sluta skriv Dx
Nää, skriv så mycket du orkar ändå!! 23 jan, 2014 19:44 |
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Skrivet av Borttagen: Gud, ligger 5 kapitel efter!!! Sluta skriv Dx Nää, skriv så mycket du orkar ändå!! Haha, ta det lugnt! Läs i den takten som du läser så blir det bra ![]() "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 23 jan, 2014 19:46 |
Forum > Fanfiction > Andra fandoms > If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)
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