If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)
Forum > Fanfiction > Andra fandoms > If you Give me a Chance - 1D/Cimorelli fanfic (Eng)
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NYTT KAPITEL FÖR JAG ÄR GLAAAAAD och mätt för ni har vi ätit pizza
![]() Chapter 22 part 2 After half an hour of silence in the car, the sun is slowly starting to set, and soon Christina pulls over. We all get out, and I see that we are on a beach. I see a few lights hanging in the tree on the parking, but before I can say anything about it my sisters have blindfolded me, leaving me in completely darkness. Well that wasn’t very bright of me. I hear laughter behind me as I try to get the blindfold off me. “Kath, it’s NOT funny!” I yell, making her laugh even more. “You really need to stop being so cheerful, Ames!” Dani jokes and nudges my arm. After a while I stop struggling and sights. “We’re we going?” I ask them and I feel someone’s hands holding my arm, leading me. “Here comes a few steps”, Lauren says and I climb a short stair. This is getting weirder and weirder. “Okay, now sit down”, I hear someone whisper behind me. I obey, and sit down in a chair. I can feel someone’s fiddling with the blindfold, and soon I get blinded by lights instead of dark. I look around, and it takes me a couple of seconds to adjust to the light. Then I see that I’m sitting in a chair, on a platform make of wood. I’m looking out over the beach and the sea, and the sunset is just about to start. In every tree around me there are small lamps, that is making the platform float with light. I look around me, but none of my sisters are there. I hear mumblings from behind me, but there is a cloth covering whoever is behind it. Just when I’m about to stand up to go to the car again, I hear something. There is a guitar playing, I’m sure about it. Just then Niall comes into view with a guitar around his neck. He’s strumming it, and meets my eyes. I want to look away, but there is something about his piercing blue orbs that makes me meet his gaze. Niall opens his mouth, and starts to sing, while not looking away from me for a second. From the first day That I saw your smiling face Honey, I knew that we would be together forever Ooh when I asked you out You said no but I found out Darling that you'd been hurt You felt that you'd never love again His voice is soft and angelic, only he can make such a beautiful sound. I deserve a try honey just once Give me a chance and I'll prove this all wrong You walked in, you were so quick to judge But honey he's nothing like me I'll never break your heart I'll never make you cry I'd rather die than live without you I'll give you all of me Honey, that's no lie Niall begins walking up to the platform. Just then I see the other boys, who are standing on a row on the beach with my sisters beside them, all singing along with Niall. As time goes by You will get to know me A little more better Girl that's the way love goes And I know you're afraid To let your feelings show And I understand But girl it's time to let go I deserve a try honey Just once Give me chance and I'll prove this all wrong You walked in, you were so quick to judge But honey he's nothing like me Darling why can't you see As the last chorus of the song starts, Niall stops playing the guitar and takes my hand in his. He makes me stand up, and he looks down at me. I never notice how much height-difference there is to me and him except scenarios like these. He looks into my eyes when he sings the last lines of the song, and I feel myself shiver as he lays his hand on my cheek. I'll never break your heart I'll never make you cry I'd rather die than live without you I'll give you all of me Honey, that's no lie Then he goes quiet and looks down at me. I half want to punch him in the face and half want to kiss him until he can’t breath, and I’m not sure what I’m about to do. But as Niall looks down at me, and I meet his gaze, I feel the butterflies in my stomach once again. I open my mouth, and I say the first think that comes into my mind. “Did you do all this for me?” Even though it starts to get dark, I see Niall’s mouth curve into a smile, and he nods proudly. “Yeah, what do you think?” He asks and looks at me, suddenly little scared that I don’t like it. “I think that you need mental help”, I say with a playful smile on my lips. Then I stand on my tip-toes, and he quickly bends over, before I plant a small kiss on his lips. Then he wraps his strong arms around me and I rest my head at his chest. “I thought you were mad at me”, I whisper and he chuckles. “You really think that I got offended by the things you said? Only for like a second, but I was more concerned about the fact that you didn’t trust me fully. I shouldn’t go out so often, I’m sorry about that”. I laugh quietly at his logic, and soon I hear the other walking up on the platform. “Did you like it?” Harry asks, giving me a hug. I nod into his shirt, but then I realise that he can’t see me. “It was beautiful, thank you”. “Are you guys cool? Or should we sing it again, just in case?” Zayn asks us. I laugh and Niall takes my hand. “We are good”, He says and Zayn smiles, but looks a little disappointed. Niall turns to me and drags me into his arms again. He kisses my fore-head and mumbles something under his breath. “What’s that babe?” I ask him. Everybody stops talking, and I hear Niall curse really quiet when he realises that I heard him. “Umm…I said that… IloveyousomuchAmy”, He answers, the last really fast. “I can’t hear you, Ni, you have to speak slower”, I say, making everybody laugh or frown. Niall takes a deep breath. “I… I love you, Amy”. I look up and look him seriously in his eyes. It seems like everybody is holding in a breath while they wait what I’m going to say. “I love you too, Niall”, I say with a smile and Niall first looks relived. Then his face splits up into a huge grin, and he presses his mouth against mine again, and everybody cheers at the sight of us. Because you know, that’s how we roll. Like, yeah. Jag känner mig väldigt hemsk när jag skriver in massor av dåliga skämt i den här berättelsen, eftersom jag vet att ni kommer bara sucka, skaka på huvudet och säga "men Stella, inte igen..." men DOM ÄR JU SÅ ROLIGA SÅ JAG KAN INTE UTESLUTA DOM So you will deal. Iloveyousomuchreaders (see what I did there? ![]() Okej, hejdå. Bye. Kommentera och sånt. Juttea. --Stella♥ "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 22 jan, 2014 20:13 |
Fairy Tale
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22 jan, 2014 20:20 |
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Nawww ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
22 jan, 2014 20:20 |
Fairy Tale
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22 jan, 2014 20:21 |
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Jättebra kapitel och jag älskar de "Dåliga" skämten
![]() ![]() 22 jan, 2014 20:23 |
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Är det dåligt att jag skrattar för mig själv när jag läser min nya presentation??? Pfff, vem har sagt att jag sitter och skrattar när jag läser min presentation? Jag? Aldrig. Skulle aldrig hända. SHE SAID NEVER IN YOUR WILDEST DREAMS Pfff.... --Stella♥ "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 22 jan, 2014 20:49 |
Fairy Tale
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22 jan, 2014 21:10 |
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lolz HEH du får ett nytt kapitel när du har läst min profil.... Haha --Stella♥ "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 22 jan, 2014 21:11 |
Fairy Tale
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Skrivet av Mixy: Fairy Tale YOU DON'T OWN ME, GOOD LORD lolz HEH du får ett nytt kapitel när du har läst min profil.... Haha --Stella♥ I wish i did ![]() ![]() ![]() 22 jan, 2014 21:12 |
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Skrivet av Fairy Tale: Skrivet av Mixy: Fairy Tale YOU DON'T OWN ME, GOOD LORD lolz HEH du får ett nytt kapitel när du har läst min profil.... Haha --Stella♥ I wish i did ![]() oH NO YOU DON'T You wouldn't be able to handle all of this I promise you hun, you are better were you are ![]() "Bokhandlare by day, misslyckad författare by night" 22 jan, 2014 21:13 |
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