Forum > Harry Potter > Animagus-test
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Wolf - Loyalty, Success, Perseverence, Stability, Thought, Teacher, Pathfinder (100%)
Eagle - Success, Prosperity, Wealth (98%) Hawk - Messenger of the sky, Observer (89%) Alligator - Aggression, Survival, Adaptability (82%) Owl - Wisdom, Truth, Patience (81%) Cougar - Leadership, Courage, Power, Swiftness, Balance (79%) Horse - Stamina, Mobility, Strength, Power, Love, Devotion, Loyalty (79%) Snake - Shrewdness, Transformation, Cunning (79%) Crane - Solitude, Independence (78%) Elk - Strength, Agility, Freedom, Power, Nobility (77%) Coyote - Prankster, Insight, Playful, Sarcastic (72%) Fox - Cunning, Provider, Intelligence (71%) Deer - Love, Gentleness, Kindness, Gracefulness, Sensitivity (60%) Swan - Grace, Balance, Innocence (53%) Alltså nu blev jag glad! Jag har alltid velat ha varg, men jag gjorde testet helt utan att veta vad jag skulle välja för att få det. Ändå blev det varg! 5 aug, 2012 12:27 |
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5 aug, 2012 14:06 |
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5 aug, 2012 14:30 |
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6 aug, 2012 16:11 |
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6 aug, 2012 16:15 |
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jag är uggla
stolt medlem i TGL 6 aug, 2012 18:16 |
J-star Black
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Eagle - Success, Prosperity, Wealth (100%)
Fox - Cunning, Provider, Intelligence (100%) Crane - Solitude, Independence (97%) Hawk - Messenger of the sky, Observer (92%) Snake - Shrewdness, Transformation, Cunning (92%) Wolf - Loyalty, Success, Perseverence, Stability, Thought, Teacher, Pathfinder (92%) Coyote - Prankster, Insight, Playful, Sarcastic (89%) Owl - Wisdom, Truth, Patience (84%) Alligator - Aggression, Survival, Adaptability (81%) Elk - Strength, Agility, Freedom, Power, Nobility (81%) Horse - Stamina, Mobility, Strength, Power, Love, Devotion, Loyalty (81%) Cougar - Leadership, Courage, Power, Swiftness, Balance (78%) Swan - Grace, Balance, Innocence (68%) Deer - Love, Gentleness, Kindness, Gracefulness, Sensitivity Jaha, jag fick en örn och en räv. Är nog lite av båda 6 aug, 2012 18:43 |
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1 alligator
2 häst 3 jagaur 4 örn 5 varg Luna Lovegood and Ginvera Wesley all the way 6 aug, 2012 20:33 |
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Jag blev en svan och som andra en uggla ^^
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 6 aug, 2012 21:43 |
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Wolf - Loyalty, Success, Perseverence, Stability, Thought, Teacher, Pathfinder (100%)
Eagle - Success, Prosperity, Wealth (98%) Alligator - Aggression, Survival, Adaptability (97%) Hawk - Messenger of the sky, Observer (97%) Crane - Solitude, Independence (96%) Owl - Wisdom, Truth, Patience (90%) Snake - Shrewdness, Transformation, Cunning (88%) Horse - Stamina, Mobility, Strength, Power, Love, Devotion, Loyalty (86%) Cougar - Leadership, Courage, Power, Swiftness, Balance (83%) Fox - Cunning, Provider, Intelligence (80%) Swan - Grace, Balance, Innocence (79%) Deer - Love, Gentleness, Kindness, Gracefulness, Sensitivity (73%) Elk - Strength, Agility, Freedom, Power, Nobility (71%) Coyote - Prankster, Insight, Playful, Sarcastic (62%) 6 aug, 2012 22:36 |
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