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Slytherin Jet Packs - Cloudflies

Forum > Quidditchplanen > Slytherin Jet Packs - Cloudflies

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Sarza Slytherin



Matchen kan börja, om ni inte vet reglerna så finns de i matchen mellan dessa lag tidigare. Sökarna: Tänk på att Kvicken finns i en av de sju zonerna som ni vet om ni läst reglerna.


Regler (Ursäktar för att de är skrivna på engelska)

The Play

The play of game is different from Quidditch past. Instead of every player who wishes to play posting in each round, rounds are limited to only two posts per house, per round. Meaning that there will only be a maximum of four posts per round. Rounds will last for a total of 24 hours, but may end early if the four RPs have been posted. The next round will start as soon as the referee posts.

Playing the Match

Once all sheets have been posted, the referee will flip a coin to determine which house has possession of the Quaffle to start the match. Both teams will then have 24 hours to post their RPs. Teams are welcome to use whichever players they wish at any time, however, Seekers must post at least ONCE every 3 rounds.

Catching the Snitch

The Seeker plays a unique roll in the game of Quidditch in that they are not involved in most of the play of the game. Instead, they fly around the pitch looking for the Golden Snitch. In this version of Quidditch, the Quidditch Pitch is broken up into 7 separate "zones." The Snitch will fly around these various zones throughout the match. Depending on where the Snitch is at a given time, searching in different zones will either help or hurt the Seeker. However, only the referee will know where the Snitch is at until it is spotted.

Catching the Snitch earns a Seeker 150 points.

Winning the Match

The match ends when one Seeker catches the Golden Snitch. The winner will be determined based on point totals.

If the Seekers do not spot the Snitch within 20 rounds of play, the winner will be determined based solely on the score up to this point. If it is a tie, the winner will be based on the average score of the Seekers' RPs.

Player Moves

The following are all of the possible moves that a player may make (not including fouls). Included with each move is the calculation the the referee will use when determining the success of a player.


Pass Quaffle: A pass must be initiated at least once before any team attempts to score if it is the initial possession. "Initial possessions" are at the start of the match or after the other team scores a goal. If no interference to the pass is made before the end of the round, the pass is assumed good. If the Chaser that the Quaffle is being passed to responds before an opposing player makes a move to intercept or prevent the pass, it is assumed caught and that Chaser may now make an attempt on the goal if they so desire.

If a Chaser has STOLEN the Quaffle, or if either of the involved Chasers are hit with a Bludger that results in the opposing team catching the loose ball, that Chaser does NOT have to pass it before making an attempt on the goal."

Shoot Quaffle: This is a direct contest between the Chaser and the Keeper, unless an opposing Chaser tries to intercept. The success of the shot is determined by the referee.

Tackle Player: A Chaser may try to tackle an opposing Chaser for possession of the Quaffle. Write if you success with the tackle or fail.


The Keeper's only function (other than committing fouls) is to defend the goal posts. They may attempt to score from all the way across the pitch, however the likelihood of them scoring is so slim that it is better to simply catch the Quaffle and allow one of your Chasers to take possession.


There are only TWO Bludgers in a game of Quidditch. Each Beater may only deal with ONE Bludger in a given round. This means that one Beater may not deflect one Bludger and then hit another.

Hit Bludger: A Beater may hit a Bludger at any other player; however, they may only hit it at a Keeper if a play is being made on the goal, otherwise this will be considered a foul. The Beater must specify who they are hitting a Bludger at and must hit a bludger within the first 12 hours of the round, so as to give the opposing team a chance to deflect.

Deflect Bludger: A Beater may deflect/redirect a Bludger that is headed for one of their teammates. They may "aim" it at another player while deflecting it, but must specify the player they are redirecting the Bludger towards.

Dodge Bludger: A player may attempt to dodge a Bludger by ducking. If that player is a Beater, they may attempt to deflect the Bludger instead.

Block Bludger: Additionally, a player may attempt to sacrifice themselves and get hit by the Bludger instead of the player it was intended for.
If a Bludger hit is successful, then the player hit by the Bludger is "injured" and is not as good as in the beginning of the game.


Spot Snitch: Either Seeker may attempt this at any time in order to locate the Snitch. Whenever they attempt to spot the Snitch, they also much choose a "section" of the Quidditch Pitch to be looking at. This will determine the likelihood that they actually spot the Snitch. If they are looking in the correct "zone" there is a much higher chance of spotting it than if they are looking at the completely wrong end. Success is based on how you are writing it and then the referee will decide. You can search in: Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6 and Zone 7.

Once the Snitch has been spotted, ALL Seekers may attempt to catch it.

Catch Snitch: A Seeker may only make this move if the Snitch has been spotted. Whether the catch is successful or not is based on the RPs and the ref.


There are many fouls in the game of Quidditch which can range from use of elbows against opponent to transfiguring the opposing team's Seeker into a ferret. A foul will always be successful in canceling out the move done by the person who is being fouled. A team may foul only once every two rounds. The success of any foul is determined by a coin toss:

Heads - Foul spotted. Penalty.
Tails - Foul not spotted. Damage is caused by the foul and you can not write for 2-5 rounds based on the foul.

*You may not attempt to use any Unforgivable Curses on another player (ie. Avada Kedavra, Crucio, or Imperio).


The team awarded the penalty will have one free shot. Whether the shot is successful is determined by a coin flip.


Role-plays may be no longer than 500 words. Each word over this limit will result in a point being taken away, though the RP score cannot be below 0. The limit is so small because such a large number of role-plays will be posted throughout any one match. Even at 500 words, if 20 RPs are posted, the ref will be required to read 10,000 words about Quidditch over the course of a match; a commitment to read even MORE words than that is not something many users are willing to make in order to be referees.

God-modding is not acceptable in most RPing. However, in the game of Quidditch, the referee determines whether every action succeeds or fails. Therefore, points will not be deducted for taking control of another user's character. If the action is determined to fail, it will simply be assumed that your character is delusional and those actions never occurred. The reason for this is to allow players more freedom; leaving an RP open-ended is very tedious and detracts heavily from the entertainment value of the RP as a whole. However, you may not control another person's player to an extreme degree. Controlling their speech and actions is against the rules and points will be deducted from your role play. For example, if you feel the need to slap player A, you may assume that it connected however you cannot write about how they reacted to your brutal violence; that is for them to decide.

Due to the amendment of the rounds, players are no longer allowed to anticipate moves. Meaning you cannot post blocking "all potential goals" or hitting a Bludger at "the Chaser in possession." You must specify who you are playing against, otherwise points will deducted from your role play. This also means that a Chaser cannot assume they have possession at the end of a round if they are being tackled or intercepting a Quaffle. (IE - in the same round, you cannot dodge a tackle AND shoot the Quaffle). This applies across the board to actions that interfere.

At the bottom of each role-play, the player must identify the actions that they have taken in either (parentheses) or [brackets]. If the moves are not identified, the referee will assume that your character did not do anything in that round and disregard the post entirely.


RPs will be scored out of 15 based on the following criteria:

Grammar (includes spelling) - 4 points.
Entertainment - 5 points.
Creativity - 3 points.
Readability (does it flow, is it overly verbose, do you get lost reading it, etc.) - 3 points.
Goal - 1 point.

Captains are allotted one contestation of a referee's ruling. In the event that a captain challenges the ref, another referee will be brought in to assess the situation. If the ruling on the field is determined in the challenger's favor, they will retain their contestation for later in the match. If the ruling stands, the captain will lose their challenge and will be unable to do so for the remainder of the match.

Referees are not to be argued with. If a player flagrantly disagrees with the referee or argues with them, the opposing team will be awarded a penalty.

Matches will last no longer than 20 rounds. If the Seekers do not spot the Snitch within this period of time, the winner will be determined based solely on the score up to this point. If it is a tie, the winner will be based on the average score of the Seekers' RPs.

Players are no longer allowed to sit out during rounds. This means that they are always vulnerable to a Beater's assault. Sitting out, since eliminated, will also no longer rejuvinate your points. As in a real game of Quidditch, there's no time to sit around and heal; it's a brutal game and will be played as such.

Reserve players may switch into the match. However, once a reserve player is in the match, the player they have substituted for cannot rejoin the match again at any point. Reserves may also substitute for another reserve that is already in the match. Reserves that switch in face a penalty which is described in the Broomstick section.

It is important for all Houses to keep their housemates under control and not to encourage inappropriate behavior. For example, the excessive pranking of the opposing team's members may result in loss of house points, a penalty called in the opposing team's favour, or in the most extreme cases, a temporary Quidditch ban meaning future games result in a forfeit.

Dessa regler kommer att gälla i varje match i serien så man behöver endast läsa dem en gång!

Jag kastade upp klonken.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain <3 Min Tumblr

29 okt, 2011 10:19



(Är du domare i matchen eller ska jag fråga någon?)

Gustav Olsson - a new star was born.

29 okt, 2011 14:41

Sarza Slytherin


(Jag kanske inte kan vara in så mycket så kan du fråga någon annan, men om du inte hittar någon så kan jag vara det)

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain <3 Min Tumblr

29 okt, 2011 14:42



(OK, försöker fixa det! Skriver in vem som är här senare!)

Gustav Olsson - a new star was born.

29 okt, 2011 14:44

Sarza Slytherin


(Okej, hoppas att du hittar någon )

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain <3 Min Tumblr

29 okt, 2011 14:45



Okej! Då är det alltså jag, Miyuki, som kommer döma matchen, sätt igång!

29 okt, 2011 14:57




Gustav Olsson - a new star was born.

29 okt, 2011 14:58



Okeeej, don't really get it, men jag tror det kan funka!


30 okt, 2011 19:20



hmmm i dont know it sounds difficult, men det går nog när man väl har börjat

I hate umbridge,skeeter,bellatrix,voldie and Lucius

8 nov, 2011 20:09




Gustav Olsson - a new star was born.

8 nov, 2011 20:12

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