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Forget about the moonlight [ENG]

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Som alltid när jag påbörjar något är det för att jag prokastinerar något annat... i detta fallet skolan...
Som sagt, inget kvalitativt litterärt mästerverk men förhoppningsvis lite underhållande feel-goodish. Jag har en vag tanke om vad storyn leder för tillfället men med som livet - jag tar det som det kommer.
Ta allt med en nypa salt, det mesta är skrivet när jag halvsover över en kopp kaffe i desperat försök att egentligen plugga Grekiska.

Titel: Forget about the moonlight
Språk: Engelska
Färdigskriven: Nope
Kapitel: 2
Genre: Humor, Romantik, feel good
Rating: PG-13
Handling: Vi börjar under sommaren 1995 Voldemort is back in business och Nymphadora Tonks joinar ordern...

Chapter I
The rain was absolutely pouring down outside, hammering against the windows angrily and with such strenght as to shake the windows about a great deal. At least that’s what Tonks imagined it did as her cubicle sported no windows whatsoever, the auror office situated below ground. But she could still hear what she thought was the rain.
She slowly moved one report out of the way and then looked down at the new one; ‘Sirius Black – wanted’. Tonks rolled her eyes and dipped her quill into her ink horn, she must have gone through at least a dussin of reports regarding her mother’s cousin. He had been wanted for almost two years, and had only once almost gotten caught. Well, they did catch him, but he escaped before they had any time to bring him to Azkaban again.
Tonks had been told for as long as she could remember that his case weren’t ever put at trial and were therefore not sufficient. Her mother must have told her a hundred of times that she believed him to be innocent. Tonks eyes grew heavy whilst reading, not one interesting acitivty from his side except for that one appearance at Hogwarts and even then he made no harm. Reading about his lack of criminal activity had her beliveing her mother might just be right, and it also rendered her of all energy. It was boring. As a matter of fact, Tonks thought all paper-work was boring, but the ministry refused to put Aurors into action currently. Well hardly, despite weird disappearances and cases. They had up to their ears trying to quiet that Potter kid down about Voldemort being back. Tonks would have loved to see some action, to test her training but was stuck behind that bloody desk. She couldn’t imagine Potter to be lying, after all weird things were happening.
Somewhere around the third page of the boring ‘Sirius Black’ report Tonks dozed off – face first onto the papers. She was enjoying her rest when someone briskly tapped her shoulder.
Tonks startled and her head flew up with the paper still attached to it,
“I’m awake!” She cried and was met with Mad-eye’s displeased frown, but she smiled at him and removed the paper from her face.
“Wotcher Mad-eye!”
“Doing important work I see…” Mad-eye replied dryly and she laughed,
“Yeah, to my defence this is like the fifteenth uneventful report I had to read through today.”
“Hmph.” Mad-eye growled at her before gesturing with his hand, “Come with me.”
“Are we off to do something exciting?” Tonks bounced up from her chair, knocking the poor thing over. Mad-eye rolled his eye at her but she didn’t care she followed him estatically.
It was therefore a big disappointment to her when he shoved her into his office, her face fell and she watched him as he shut the door behind them.
“Is this the exciting thing? ‘Cause I’ll tell you for one, Mad-eye, I’ve been in here before.”
Mad-eye didn’t take any notice of her but sealed the door with a silence spell before he scurried behind his desk and sat down to rest his peg-leg. Tonks sighed and sat down on the chair opposite of his, crossing her arms, looking at him with boredome written all over her face.
“Now, lass, I have something of the utmost secrecy to tell you.” Mad-eye’s mad-eye watched the door behind her intently and the other eye was fixed on her.
“If you have another report for me, Mad-eye, I will fucking kill you.” Tonks replied irritable, and Mad-eye rolled his eye at her.
“It’s not something I should talk about here, and I won’t, but do you trust Dumbldeore?”
Of all the things she had thought Mad-eye would ask her – that was not it, and she leaned over the desk, eying her mentor carefully,
“Is that a trick question? – Is Fudge trying to get rid off me?”
“Answer me girl!”
“I do.” Tonks replied carefully, turning her eyes to the door, waiting for someone to burst through it and fire her poor arse.
“Good.” Mad-eye growled, and handed her a note. Tonks eyes widened when she saw what was written and then it burst into flames. She averted her eyes from the palm of her hand and looked back at her mentor,
“What is…!?”
“Quiet!” Mad-eye cried, “It’s a secret place, don’t say it aloud. Now, will you come with me after work?”
Tonks pushed herself upright again,
“Will I? – Mad-eye please take me away from this place now! – I refuse to sign another report.”
“After, not a minute sooner. No one must suspect anything.”
“Yeah, don’t want anyone to believe I have a rendez-vous with you. Yuck.” Tonks joked but Mad-eye showed no emotion of thinking either or about it.
“Good. Get back with you, and if Dawlish gives you his reports – hex his balls off. That usually does the trick.”
“Have you done that to a lot of people, Mad-eye?” Tonks asked intrigued and he huffed at her,
“See you later.”
“I’ll come to your cubicle when everyone’s gone.”
“Great.” Tonks replied as she stepped out of the room, and she hurried back to her seat before anyone missed her, though who were she kidding, the only one missing her would be the seat of her chair.

When the hour finally struck five people started to drop out of the office, but Tonks remained in her seat, pretending to be very into the report she was reading – not that she even knew what her eyes were looking at. She was far to excited to see where Mad-eye was taking her. Suddenly the very man approached her with… Tonks eyes widened, Kingsley Shacklebolt. Tonks raised her eyebrows as they stopped in-front of her,
“Are you ready Tonks?” Mad-eye asked her and she looked between the two wizards.
“If the whole secret is that you two are an item and wants me to attend your secret wedding – I want no part in it because that’s...”
“I’m married.” Kingsley quickly said, and Tonks laughed,
“Thank Merlin. I couldn’t imagine you two together. You are far to happy to be with Mad-eye.”
“Are you done?” Mad-eye asked impatiently and Tonks nodded,
“Then hurry.”

They walked out of the ministry and Mad-eye held out his hands,
“Take them – we’re apparating.”
Tonks put her hand in his, as did Kingsley and they disappeared with a poof into thin air before appearing in-front of a few brick houses in central London. Tonks eyed the buildings but couldn’t find the 12th house that had been written on the note.
“Wait for it.” Mad-eye raised his hand to quiet her before she opened her mouth. Tonks shut it again and watched as the house suddenly appeared between nr 11 and 13.
“Shut your mouth!” Mad-eye inerupted her with a hiss, and Tonks immediately shut her mouth but glared at her mentor. For all she knew he could be taking her to turn her in, for having expressed symphaty with Dumbledore. Not that it was Mad-eye’s way at all. Tonks loved her mentor, he pushed her to her absolute limit and though he might seem stern he had a heart of gold. The hufflepuff in her couldn’t resist warming to him, and she thought of him much like an extra father.
“Come, quick.” Mad-eye poked her with his cane and she rubbed the spot affronted but walked quickly after Kingsley nonethless.
The whole house gave her chills down her spine, there was something about it that made her quiver despite herself. She kept a firm grasp on her wand, cursing herself for falling victim to Mad-eye’s way of always being prepared, on the brink of insanity when she always teased him about the very same thing.
“Keep quiet now, girl.” Mad-eye growled as they entered a gloomy lit, dark, dusty hallway. Tonks scrunched her nose at the smell, it seemed no one had lived in the house for years. There were no doubt of it being a wizards home, Tonks noticed many a memorobilia on the walls, and she frowned, severed heads of house-elfs. She kept her eyes on the walls and didn’t see the umbrella stand and her clumsy self went down with a loud thump.
Someone began screaming; “Half-blood! Half-blood freak besmirching the noble house of Black. Born to that TRAITOR! Mudblood-lover…”
Kingsley and Mad-eye managed to close the curtains to the portrait which Tonks now took notice of. She crawled of the floor and brushed her knees off,
“Who was that!?”
“Your great aunt Walburga.” Mad-eye growled, and Tonks furrowed her eyebrows, and looked at Kingsley who smiled at her expression,
“That is why we never have family gatherings then I suppose.” Tonks said with a loop-sided grin.
“Why? She seemed very fond of you.” Kingley winked and Tonks nodded,
“Yup, defintely her favourite, I’ll remember to give her a kiss next time she wails.”
“We don’t have all day. They’re waiting for us down in the kitchen.”
Tonks rolled her eyes behind Mad-eye,
“I saw that.” He commented and she rolled her eyes at him again.
“Yeah yeah, we get it, you have a magical eye. Which we all dearly hope you don’t use to stare at…”
“Tonks.” Mad-eye warned her and she snickered,
“Sorry. Shall we go down then?”
Mad-eye muttered and showed the way downstairs, and he opened the door and let her in. Tonks was greeted by a few familiar faces amongst those; Molly,Arthur, and Bill Weasley, and another familiar figure that she couldn’t quite place in her memory. But she was certain to have met him before. Tonks didn’t have time however to contemplate that before her eyes caught someone else standing in-front of the fireplace.
“You!” She cried and her wand was immediately drawn in front of her, the man held his hands up and just smiled at her.
“Keep still or I will hex you to oblivion!” Tonks kept one eye at her target but was surprised at no one else reacting.
“You really remind me a lot of your mother.” He smiled and she was taken of guard.
“You remind me a lot of Andy, of course, she would have already hexed me.” He grinned and Tonks just looked at him perplexed. Had her mother been right then? – Was Sirius Black in fact innocent. After all – everyone else seemed perfectly calm. Tonks looked suspiciously about herself, what if it all were a test to try and see if she would act against her own blood?
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t just turn you in?” Tonks said then, keeping a firm grasp on her wand cursing inwardly at her becoming more and more like her mentor.
“I didn’t do it.” Sirius told her and she glanced at Mad-eye who nodded,
“He didn’t, Pettigrew did it.”
“Pettigrew? – I thought he died.” Tonks questioned and the man whom she had recognised stood up,
“We all did. Until I saw him on a map. He had disguised himself as a rat living with the Weasleys.”
“He isn’t registered as an animgaus.” Tonks argued and Bill laughed,
“As if you haven’t ever done something illegal.”
“Touché” Tonks smiled despite herself, “Alright, Say I’ll believe you then, but I want details I have had to read dussins of boring reports about you – now I want the real deal.”
“You got it, cousin.” Sirius smiled at her, and then he approached her and hugged her.
Mad-eye who always thought that such things were an utter waste of valueble time growled a little as he turned to the room,
“This is Tonks, she works in the auror department, and I think she will be a good asset to the order.”
“Tonks?” Sirius looked at his baby cousin, “I thought you went by Nymph…” He weren’t allowed to finish his sentence as Tonks had turned on her heel with her wand pointed to him and her hair turning an awful shade of red.
“If you care to finish that I will turn you in after all!”
Sirius held his hands up laughing,
“I’m glad to see you’ve inherited the Black temper, or I would too have to disown you.”
“Enough of this, we have more important things to discuss then whether Tonks inherited this or that from the Black’s. Remus would you care to explain what the order is. Tonks, if you cannot comply or do not want part of this, I will have to erase your memory of this meeting all together.”
“Got it, Mad-eye.” Tonks replied cheerful, as she turned to look at this Remus whom she recognised from somewhere.
“The order of the phoenix is a secret society funded by Dumbledore during the last war. A lot of us joined back then, and we have once more come together since Voldemort’s coming back last june. We fight against him, and the deatheathers and there will be different missions – spying and like if you join the order. Another important notice is that it’s a secret, which if it leaked out would be devestating in these times. You amongst others would lose your jobs and reputation – and if worse comes to worse you might be charged for it. If you still feel inclined to join then by all means – welcome.” Remus said seriously but his eyes were kind and Tonks nodded,
“Yeah, that sounds like I’d make a lot more difference than I do at the auror office currently, and I became an auror to fight the good fight – to rid us of all the evils in the world so count me in.”
“Briliant, Tonks. Welcome!” Sirius hugged her again, and she hugged him back grinning,
“Thanks. Though I swear if it involves writing a lot of reports I’m out.”
“Yeah, not really, just small notices. Besides you can keep me company.” Sirius told her and she laughed,
“Bit boorish to be stuck in here aye? – No but I’ll be glad to have some company. I rarely meet anyone due to work.”
“Like you wouldn’t imagine.” Sirius rolled his eyes, but before he was able to say anything else the door opened to reveal more members of the order amongst those Snape which gave Tonks an unsettling feeling. The sight of her former potions professor was unpleasant since he had quite literally hated her guts and deliberatly tried to fail her. Her only saving was her own mother whom knew the subject more than well. Professor McGonagall were a sight much more pleasant to behold and though she had often been in trouble for her micheviousnes, McGonagall had always been fair and kind and Tonks liked to pride herself on keeping those trophy’s clean and shiny for seven years straight.
Last of all Professor Dumbledore entered and all conversation died, and everyone took place around the table. Tonks managed to sit between her cousin and Remus, and curiously looked around the table at new and old faces whilst the meeting began. Her cheeks heated a little as Molly Weasley looked between her and Bill, and was pretty sure the woman was trying to detect if any feelings remained after their very brief romance during her sixth and his seventh year.
The truth to that was that both of them had felt more friendly than romantic and it had ended with them being still on the friendliest of terms, though she hadn’t seen him for a couple of years. Tonks let her glance shift to the man beside her – Remus. She was certain of having seen him before, though she didn’t know where or when. He was rather handsome, and she wondered at the scars that graced his face and hands. His hair had begun to go grey but his eyes seemed young and Tonks were convinced he must be her cousin’s age.
“[…] We have a new member with us today.” Dumbledore began and Tonks startled and her eyes met Dumbledore’s blue ones instead.
“This is Nymphadora Tonks, normally she works as an auror for the ministry, and is a great asset to the order and our needs especially being a metamorphmagus.” Dumbledore’s eyes twinkled and Tonks were pretty sure he only said her whole name because he knew she couldn’t possibly dare to tell him off or maybe he was daring her...
All eyes turned to her and she twisted a little uncomfortable, what to do? What to say?
“Wotcher!” Tonks said a tad bit awkward, wishing all eyes would leave her, especially the pair that belonged to Snape. There were a few nods and greetings before the meeting continued.
“We need to keep careful watch over Harry now as he has returned to the Dursleys over the summer.” Dumbledore said and Tonks leaned towards her cousin,
“As in Harry Potter?” She whispered and he nodded, and she smiled,
Tonks felt a pair of disapproving eyes from her old potions professor and she shut her mouth and composed herself again and turned her brown eyes towards Dumbledore instead.
“I have instructed the people in charge of the watch this week, and I thought that you – Nymphadora, might join Remus tomorrow so he can show you how it’s executed.”
“Yeah sure, I’d be glad to.” Tonks smiled, and glanced at Remus who smiled small back at her and she couldn’t immediately take her eyes of him. There was something about him that she wanted to figure out and his eyes seemed so warm and kind and she knew that she had seen him somewhere and it was nagging her mind that she couldn’t place the man.
When she realised she had been staring for a good five minutes her cheeks began to go red, and she averted her eyes and tried to focus on morphing her blush away from her cheeks. Which was deemed harder since her cousin sat beside her grinning as he had noticed her staring at his friend. Tonks could hardly concentrate at all after that but she blamed the wasted hours of reading boring reports earlier.
When the meeting concluded most of the people rose up to leave except the Weasleys, Remus and her cousin. Tonks stood up looking about herself not knowing if she should leave or not. But Sirius touched her arm,
“Hey, you’re staying for dinner right? I mean I haven’t seen you since you were eight. We have a lot of catching up to do!”
“Yeah, you need to give me all the dirty details of the twelve year long family vacation with dear aunt Bellatrix and uncle Rodolphus.” Tonks grinned and Sirius laughed.
“It is a miracle I didn’t lose my mind…”
“You cannot lose anything you never had.” Remus commented from behind his Daily Prophet and Tonks snorted whilst Sirius looked mock-offended,
“Don’t listen to Remus, anyone comes off insane compared to him. He is the very picture of saneness.”
“If it helps I wouldn’t be classed as sane either, ask Mad-eye.” Tonks chuckled,
“Another family trait we have in common.” Sirius winked and Tonks shook her head,
“Yeah, shit, and I swore to be nothing like them.”
“And I swore to never set my foot inside this house again, but here I am.” Sirius said a bit bitter, and Tonks felt sorry for him but smirked,
“But… imagine the wrath of your mother knowing that you filled this house with all kinds of people, who all were in support for Dumbledore. Who were against everything she preached.”
“That’s true… hey you should invite your mother here… bring your father – that would be the ultimate revenge. All of the traitors of our family seated under her very roof.” Sirius grinned wickedly and Tonks raised her eyebrow though she laughed,
“I would, though Mad-eye made me swear on my life not to reveal this to anyone.”
“Andromeda isn’t anyone. She was the only thing keeping us sane, and she’d be a great member of the order. Though she declined last time around.” Sirius told Tonks who looked a bit surprised,
“I didn’t know but it does remind me that I probably should pay them a visit, I have willfully neglected it for the past couple of months.”
“Take me with you!” Sirius eyes lit up and Tonks shook her head,
“Dumbledore would kill me.”
“He doesn’t need to know! I’ll be a dog. A very good dog too might I add.” Sirius begged and Remus put down his paper and looked disapprovingly at Sirius attempts to escape the house for a few hours.
“Tonks is right. It is too dangerous.”
“Now, I didn’t say that. I said Dumbledore would kill me, which would result in my mother killing Dumbledore and from then on we all, well you all, would be screwed. Otherwise I’m defo in.” Tonks retorted, and Sirius discreetly high fived her and Remus sighed,
“It’s like the blind leading the blind.”
“Oh, good idea Moony I could be her service dog.”
“That’s probably the worst idea I’ve ever heard.” Remus ran a hand through his hair and Tonks smiled,
“Maybe I’ll just talk to Dumbledore about it sometime.”
“Would you?” Sirius asked his voice filled with hope and she nodded,
“Yeah, though I hardly think I’ll be able to convince him.”
Sirius weren’t able to reply as the door burst open and three red-headed boys, and two girls entered the room.
“Red-heads? Those are Molly’s right? But she isn’t – the brown-haired one.” Tonks asked Sirius and Remus.
“The twin boys are Fred and George, no one knows which – not even Molly sometimes. Their younger brother is Ron – he is the same age as Harry, and Ginny is the youngest. The brown-haired girl is Hermione Granger – she is Harry and Ron’s best friend.” Remus told her and Tonks let out a mock-dramatic sigh of relief,
“Phew, would have been awkward if Hermione was theirs too… feels like Molly would have had things to explain to Arthur.”
“She is the brightest witch of her year. I taught at Hogwarts during their third year.” Remus said and Tonks raised her eyebrows impressed,
“You were a Hogwarts Professor?”
“Only for the shortest amount of time. I taught defence against the dark arts.” Remus looked a bit pained at this and Tonks tilted her head, trying to determine why.
“I bet you were a great teacher, and not a sorry sight compared to the other Professors.” Tonks offered with a smirk, Remus ear-tips turned slightly pink and Sirius held a hand over his heart mock-offended,
“I will have you know that Minnie was a reputed beauty in her youth.”
“Is this a cat/dog thing?” Tonks asked but weren’t granted an answer as the girls approached them whilst the table was being set. They spoke for some time, and Tonks showed off her morphing skills at the demand of the young girls during dinner and amongst all laughter and niceness Tonks thought to herself that this… this could be quite the adventure.

Lämna gärna en kommentar om vad ni tyckte!

https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F64.media.tumblr.com%2Fed27ae562c52fd7eca385f92b7b0db6d%2Ftumblr_ojo6qwk9gl1tld2y0o1_400.gifv https://www.mugglarportalen.se/images/proxy.php?q=https%3A%2F%2F66.media.tumblr.com%2Fff022dce12e4921edace604c3c2210cb%2Ftumblr_pr574rdaE01r4xg82o1_r1_540.gif

25 jan, 2020 01:50

Detta inlägg ändrades senast 2020-02- 1 kl. 22:27
Antal ändringar: 1

Avis Fortunae



Vilken trevlig överraskning med en ny story från dig! Redan från början vet man att det kommer att vara hög kvalitet, och titeln känns onekligen lite som en löfte till läsaren ... att få läsa från Tonks perspektiv under femte året i Fenixorden kommer att bli givande. Just nu funderar jag mycket på just Tonks och även Remus, samt de andra i orden, Sirius bland annat. Och Snape ...

Med detta sagt, dags att dyka ner i historien där Tonks somnar över tråkiga rapporter. Det är klart att hon är uttråkad; skulle inte tro att skrivbordsjobb är hennes grej alls. Och dessutom behöva läsa rapporter som pekar ut hennes släkting som grov brottsling ... det är en frisk fläkt när mentorn Moody dyker upp. Älskar hur de gnabbas, verkligen en höjdpunkt i berättandet!

“Yeah, don’t want anyone to believe I have a rendez-vous with you. Yuck.” Tonks joked but Mad-eye showed no emotion of thinking either or about it.
“Good. Get back with you, and if Dawlish gives you his reports – hex his balls off. That usually does the trick.”
“Have you done that to a lot of people, Mad-eye?” Tonks asked intrigued and he huffed at her,

Spännande att se hur det går till, när hon får kännedom om orden, och hur allt ser ut från det perspektivet. Hoppas man kommer att få veta en del om hur de arbetar

and another familiar figure that she couldn’t quite place in her memory. But she was certain to have met him before. Tonks didn’t have time however to contemplate that before her eyes caught someone else standing in-front of the fireplace.
“You!” She cried and her wand was immediately drawn in front of her, the man held his hands up and just smiled at her.

Fantastiskt bra berättat och introducerat! Man blir nyfiken på vilka de är och får reda på det på ett bra sätt. Jag undrar var hon har sett Remus innan, och hur hennes relation är till Sirius.

Naturligtvis är det lite extra spännande för mig, när Snape dyker upp. Han kan skildras på så många olika sätt, även beroende på perspektiv, och det är alltid intressant att se hur det blir. Vi får se om och i så fall hur ofta han kommer att vara med.

Och så ska de bevaka och skydda Harry ... och Remus ska hjälpa Tonks in i arbetet. Ser verkligen fram emot att läsa om det och att få se honom med hennes ögon

Tonks smiled, and glanced at Remus who smiled small back at her and she couldn’t immediately take her eyes of him. There was something about him that she wanted to figure out and his eyes seemed so warm and kind and she knew that she had seen him somewhere and it was nagging her mind that she couldn’t place the man.
When she realised she had been staring for a good five minutes her cheeks began to go red, and she averted her eyes and tried to focus on morphing her blush away from her cheeks. Which was deemed harder since her cousin sat beside her grinning as he had noticed her staring at his friend.

Just det där 'morphing her blush away from her cheeks' fick mig att dö den berömda sötdöden!♥

Och sedan fullkomligt dör jag när Sirius vill följa med Tonks till familjen!

“He doesn’t need to know! I’ll be a dog. A very good dog too might I add.”

Alltså jag ser verkligen framför mig hur Sirius försöker vara en väluppfostrad hund Och sen gillar jag att Remus blir orolig och beskyddande över honom.♥

“It’s like the blind leading the blind.”
“Oh, good idea Moony I could be her service dog.”
“That’s probably the worst idea I’ve ever heard.” Remus ran a hand through his hair and Tonks smiled,

Och där dog jag ännu mer av skratt och söthet!!!

Remus looked a bit pained at this and Tonks tilted her head, trying to determine why.
“I bet you were a great teacher, and not a sorry sight compared to the other Professors.” Tonks offered with a smirk, Remus ear-tips turned slightly pink

En hel del trådar har redan lagts ut i denna härliga introduktion, och jag ser fram emot hur de olika personligheterna i orden kommer att samspela med varandra. Fantastiskt skrivet, som alltid!

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

25 jan, 2020 11:29




Tonks är en av mina absoluta favoritkaraktärer, och jag gillar fanfiction som är skrivna ur hennes perspektiv. Jag är inget proffs på engelska så kan inte säga om du har gjort några grammatikfel, men jag kan åtminstone ge några exempel på de bitar jag gillade bäst:
Förutom de som Avis Fortunae skrivit upp gillar jag även extra mycket om den här

You!” She cried and her wand was immediately drawn in front of her, the man held his hands up and just smiled at her.
“Keep still or I will hex you to oblivion!” 

Jag tycker att man får se att hon verkligen är en auror, och ständigt redo för fara, även med några av de hon litar mest på.

Jag hoppas du kan skriva ett nytt kapitel så fort som möjligt!


25 jan, 2020 20:28




Avis Fortunae Tack så mycket för din fina kommentar! =)
Det gör mig så glad att du tar din tid att läsa & kommentera, verkligen! ♥

Jupiter Vad roligt att du tycker om den! =) Ja, Tonks är en utav mina favoritkaraktärer också!
Tack så mycket för att du lyfte vad du tyckte var extra bra =)

Chapter II
The whole house had gone quiet after the Weasleys had gone to bed. If you listened intently you might have heard sounds coming from the girls room but they soon faded out too.
Tonks was lounging in a chair with her legs dangling over the edge, Sirius sat opposite of her and Remus sat alone in the sofa. She held a glass of firewhisky in her hand, as did Remus and Sirius… well he held the remainant bottle (the third one). Which in fairness he deserved after Azkaban Tonks thought.
For a minute all that was heard was the crackling of the fire-place before Tonks broke the silence,
“So, now I know how you know each other but I have been trying all evening to figure out where I have seen you before, Remus. HELP!?”
“Um, well, we have met. I attended your fourth birthday party with James, Lily, Sirius and Marlene.” Remus smiled, and Tonks made a sound as it dawned upon her why she recognised the man.
“Oh that’s right. Oh no. I was the most annoying child ever. I’m so sorry for whatever I put you through.”
“I remember you forcing Moony to give you piggy-back rides in the garden, and you forced him to play with your stuffed animals and you refused to let us have him back.” Sirius laughed and Tonks groaned into her hands.
“If it helps, I thought you were a hoot. The insults were my favourite part.” Remus told her with a grin,
“Sometimes I wish my mother had just cast a silence spell on me until I was fit to speak to people.”
“Ah, but that would have left you mute to this day.” Sirius said and Tonks raised her middle finger to him,
“Fuck off.”
“I’d love to, but unfortunately I am forbidden to.” Sirius replied and she rolled her eyes before taking another sip of her firewhisky.
“How long have you been an auror for?” Remus asked her and Tonks let her eyes glide to him instead of her glass, and she smiled,
“Um, I did three years of training and finished a year ago.”
“Was it difficult?”
“Eh, both yes and no. I mean it is hard work physically – you need to be in shape. Unless you’re Mad-eye. Um, and I had some trouble with stealth and tracking ‘cause I’m clumsy as hell. But I think convincing them to take me on was the hardest part.” Tonks told them and Sirius raised an eyebrow,
“Convince them? Did you sleep with Mad-eye to get accepted?”
Tonks made a gag-sound and she looked absolutely revolted,
“No! Euw, Sirius, I was not, and will never be so desperate.”
Sirius shrugged his shoulders, downed the rest of the bottle before opening another. Both Tonks and Remus looked at him a bit worried about his drinking, but then Remus turned his eyes to her,
“You had to convince them? Why?”
“Apparently when half of your closest family is locked up in Azkaban they are a bit reluctant on taking you on. In fact they refused at first ‘cause no one wanted to train me but Mad-eye took me on. He was supposed to retire you know, said I was his one last hope.”
“Ah, sorry about that. To my defense I had no trial and was probably not trusted because of them too so… been there.” Sirius replied before taking another swig of firewhisky.
“But how come you didn’t continue working at Hogwarts?” Tonks asked Remus intruiged and she noticed some colour disappearing from his face, and wondered at her hitting a sore spot.
“Eh, Erhm I had, I became ill.” Remus said his voice strained and his eyes avoiding hers. Tonks looked at him with sympathy and glanced at Sirius who stared at Remus with an odd look upon his face.
“I’m sorry to hear that. From what I discovered at dinner you were allegedly the best, and I hope you are better or getting there.” Tonks expressed with the utmost empathy and offered him a kind smile.
“Ah, on that account it wasn’t a very hard competition. Their first professor had Voldemort stuck to the back of his head, and the second was incomptenent and managed to obliviate himself by the end of the year whilst trying to obliviate his students. As to my illness, thank you, but it is without a cure.” Remus replied with a half-heartened smile and Tonks were about to continue discussing when Sirius interupted her,
“Enough doom and gloom for today, I suggest a drinking game.”
“I think we are too old for drinking games.” Remus replied and Sirius waved him off,
“Pish posh, we have many lost years to catch up with.”
“I’m in – I haven’t had any fun since Hogwarts.” Tonks sat upright in her chair, and Remus gave in and their glasses were re-filled by Sirius, who by now was a little bit too drunk.
“That I can believe, after all you missed out on the greatest thing that ever happened to Hogwarts – the marauders.”
“At least Azkaban didn’t fuck up your hubris.” Tonks smirked,
“Oh, the things we did. You couldn’t even imagine! Our pranks were brilliant. Dumbledore would have given us a reward for the best pranksters the world ever saw, if there had been such a reward.” Sirius said dramatically and she raised her eyebrows,
“Oh I could too imagine that, I was constantly polishing trophies for my pranks.”
“Sure, but you could never match up to the marauders.” Sirius argued and Tonks quirked her eyebrow,
“I once impersonated Snape and washed ‘his’ hair in the courtyard fountain screaming at students passing by to feel the smoothness...”
Remus began laughing, clutching his sides, and Sirius tried not but burst out laughing when he looked at his cousin and friend.
“Were you in great trouble for that?” Remus asked her and she shrugged her shoulders,
“To Snape I was from then on probably considered the spawn of Satan and he tried to expel me and forbid me to use my morphing skills, but McGonagall was the one who punished me and she asked me to sit down and have a biscuit so…”
“I told you Minnie is a legend!” Sirius pointed a finger at her whilst taking another large gulp of his firewhisky.
“Yeah, I am prepared to agree… though you seem weirdly obsessed with her… unrecruited love?” Tonks snickered and Sirius pouted at her,
“I could get a Minerva if I wanted! But I don’t.”
“Whatever you say.” Tonks smirked and Sirius sat up,
“I could! Tell her, Moony! Didn’t I get all the women I wanted at Hogwarts?”
Remus eyes went between the cousins then he smiled,
“Eh, actually Padfoot… you didn’t get them all. Minerva turned you down.”
Tonks burst out laughing and Sirius looked pouty and drank another mouthful of his firewhisky.
“It was a prank! Had I turned on the Sirius-charm she could never have resisted all of this.”
“What is this discussion even!?” Tonks laughed, “Sirius-ly stop trying to convince us you’re able to bed McGonagall.”
“Though I could… had I wanted it.” Sirius muttered,
“Of course you could.” Tonks said sarcastically, and Sirius stuck his tongue out at her before taking another swig of firewhisky.
“I’m off to feed Buckbeak, at least he knows me and doesn’t insult me.”
Tonks watched as Sirius stumbled out of the room and toppled into the hallway before closing the door behind him. She turned to Remus,
“Do you think he was insulted for real?”
“No, he is just overdramatic, and drunk.”
Remus smiled, and Tonks laughed,
“That he is. Should we go check on him?”
They heard a loud thump and they both got out of their seats and hurried towards the door, Tonks tripped on the carpet and awaited her fall that never came. Remus hands held her by the arms, and she blushed but smiled up at him,
“Thank you, I’m such a clutz.”
“No worries.” Remus smiled before they ventured out into the hallway and found Sirius in a drunk heap on the floor.
“Friends!” He cried and Tonks grabbed him under one arm whilst Remus took the other.
“Where is his room?” Tonks asked panting a little from the weight on her shoulder.
“Next floor, first on the right.” Remus said and she nodded as they began helping Sirius up the stairs all the while he sung in something resembling English and Tonks was sure to have heard him sing the name ‘Marlene’ a few times.
When they got him in bed, Tonks threw his cover over him and retrieved a bucket with her wand just in case. They watched him for a few seconds before leaving him to his drunkenness. As Remus closed the door to Sirius room, they eyed each other a bit shyly,
“Um, I guess I should head home to my flat. Eh I’ll meet you here tomorrow then so you can take us to wherever Harry lives. Good night, Remus, it was great meeting you… again.” Tonks rambled and she cursed inwardly for her lousy way with words.
“Yes, I will see you tomorrow and a safe journey and a good night to you, Nymphadora.” Remus smiled and Tonks could hardly find it in her to look a way which was highly unsettling. She couldn’t be falling for a man she had just met. She was a grown woman for Merlin’s sake. But eventually her eyes heeded her mind and she smiled before turning away, thinking she might leave with some grace but her two left feet found each other, and she fell down the stairs. Remus hurried down after her and were about to help her up when she jumped to her feet embarrassed.
“Merlin’s pants. I shouldn’t be allowed outside of my own flat.”
“Are you alright?” Remus asked with a worried frown and Tonks was surprised because she fell and tripped so much that no one ever bothered asking her such trivial questions.
“Eh, um, yeah no that happens all the time…” Tonks waved it off and Remus came closer and touched her forehead, a feeling which she liked too much.
“You’re bleeding.”
“Oh?” Tonks brought her own hand up to her forehead and looked at her hand which was red.
“Look at that. I am. I guess someone up there really wants to embarrass me today.” Tonks laughed nervously and Remus chuckled,
“Do you need help with that?”
“Yeah, why not – if I do it myself chances are, I am going to make it worse.” Tonks smirked,
Remus chuckled kindly at her,
“Do you need assistance down the stairs to the kitchens or will you be fine on your own?”
“Ha ha, thank you, Remus but I think I shall be able to walk on my own.” Tonks smirked and to prove her point she headed for the stairs and lo and behold she tripped but this time Remus caught her before she went flying down another set of stairs. He raised his eyebrow at her, and she sighed.
“Fine, hold my hand. But I do want to say that I blame the firewhisky for this.”
“We had the same amount.” Remus told her as they walked the stairs,
“You are taller!”
Remus only smiled as he let go of her hand and pushed the kitchen door open. Tonks sat down on a chair and Remus cleaned her cut before dressing her wound with a plaster.
“There. Like new.”
“Thank you. I would have perished without you.” Tonks smirked,
“You would have been lying at the bottom of the stairs without me.” Remus teased and Tonks laughed,
“I did not exaggerate when I said I was huge clutz. It almost put an end to my auror career.”
“If Mad-eye took you on there must be something you do more than well.” Remus replied kindly, and Tonks felt her cheeks go crimson again.
“Thanks. I really must be going. Work starts at eight tomorrow and heaps of boring, uneventful reports await me. But I’m looking forward to our duty tomorrow.” Tonks said with a smile and Remus responded in kind,
“As am I. As I said before, lovely to meet you, Nymphadora.”
Tonks hugged him briskly,
“Bye, see you!”
Before she hurried up the stairs, thankfully without making a fool out of herself yet again, and she was out the door before she stopped dead in her tracks.
Had Remus Lupin just gotten away with calling her Nymphadora, not once but twice in one evening?
“Damn you, Lupin.” She muttered under her breath smiling before apparating to her flat in Earl’s court for some well-earned sleep.

Lämna gärna en kommentar!

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1 feb, 2020 20:51

Avis Fortunae



Härligt med en fortsättning! Som av en händelse skriver jag själv just nu på en scen där både Sirius och Tonks är med ... att få se hur du skildrar dem är så värdefullt. Du skriver så oerhört bra; det är både målande, vackert och väldigt roligt att läsa. Det börjar redan i första meningen:

The whole house had gone quiet after the Weasleys had gone to bed.

Jag vet inte om det är medvetet, men det är verkligen huvudet på spiken, med tanke på Weasleys ljudnivå. Ler stort!

Hm ... har glömt vem Marlene är. Tycker mig vagt känna igen det ... någon som haft betydelse för Sirius.

“I remember you forcing Moony to give you piggy-back rides in the garden, and you forced him to play with your stuffed animals and you refused to let us have him back.”

Nej, jag dör. Det här är bara för gulligt!♥♥♥

“Sometimes I wish my mother had just cast a silence spell on me until I was fit to speak to people.”
“Ah, but that would have left you mute to this day.” Sirius said and Tonks raised her middle finger to him,
“Fuck off.”
“I’d love to, but unfortunately I am forbidden to.”

Älskar dialogen, hur den går framåt, deras skämt och tjafs och hur mycket som ligger under gällande själva handlingen. Här refereras det på ett bra sätt till att Sirius inte kan lämna huset.

“Convince them? Did you sleep with Mad-eye to get accepted?”

Samma här, deras jargong är rolig, speciellt om man tänker på hur tonen är mellan Moody och Tonks. Det är en rå ton men i grunden finns all värme och lojalitet där. Samtidigt är det intressant att få veta mer om Tonks svårigheter att bli antagen till utbildningen. Och hon är ju nära släkt med många av de som valt mörkrets sida. Både hennes mor och Sirius har upplevt enorma svårigheter och utmaningar på grund av det.

Så Remus tillstånd hålls ganska hemligt ... Tonks vet inte om det. Men nu, när hon går med i orden, får hon säkert veta. Jag minns att det uppstod en förvåning hos läsare att Miriam fick den vetskapen, och så här i efterhand kan jag förstå varför.

it wasn’t a very hard competition. Their first professor had Voldemort stuck to the back of his head, and the second was incomptenent and managed to obliviate himself by the end of the year whilst trying to obliviate his students

Det är så bra formulerat, och verkligen helt galet att det faktiskt var så!

Sååå gulligt och fint när Remus helar hennes sår. Jag är verkligen svag för sådana scener där omvårdnad och omtänksamhet förekommer. Och visst kom han undan med att kalla henne Nymphadora! Undrar hur detta ska utveckla sig. Du skriver fantastiskt.♥

Läs gärna min fanfiction Borgen (sjunde året)! https://www.mugglarportalen.se/#forum.php?topic=51992&page=1#p4541123

1 feb, 2020 22:16

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Forum > Fanfiction > Forget about the moonlight [ENG]

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